Hawking Headlines

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The following morning was hectic to say the least. Claire had a rude awakening by getting her blanket pulled off, which was followed by a pillow whack. She shot up and slowly opened her eyes to see the sun shining brightly through the windows. "Get used to it," a voice said, making Claire's head whirl to the right. She rubbed her eyes so they could adjust to the bright light coming from the windows, and when they did, she saw a blue eyed boy was wide awake with a smug face. "It happens every mornin'," he said with a slight groan.

"You've only been here two days, I highly doubt yer used to it," Claire replied in a sassy tone.

"Feisty girl one, Mush brains zero!" a voice called out from the bunk below. Claire looked down to see one of the boys (she sadly didn't remember his name). The tall brunette looked up at the blue eyed boy and said, "You'se better get used ta that cause it looks like this goil is a feisty lil thing that's comin' in hot!" with that being said the brunette saluted them and then marched away while laughing his head off.

"Well...he's got one thing right," blue eyes said while looking a Claire. Which made her wonder, didn't Race say something about this new kid being on the shy side of things? So why wasn't he, you know? Shutting up! "Yer a feisty little thing." a smirk made its way onto his face.

"And you've got mush for brains," Claire quickly replied with a look that could kill.

"Do not!" the boy retorted with an eye roll.

"Do too!" Claire replied with a smirk

"Quiet already!" a voice yelled, making the two kids jump up a bit which shocked faces. "Mush brains go get ready," Wolf said, making the small boy grumble as he jumpped out of his bunk to go get ready . "Claire go put these on," Wolf said as he tossed Claire some clothes.

"Um....these are boys clothes," Claire pointed out as she looked at the items in question. There was a light grey undershirt, a blue flannel, a dark pair of trousers with suspenders, and a grey cap. All of which looked like it wouldn't fit her. The cap maybe, but that was about it.

"Exactly. If you'se wanna be a newsie, you'se gotta dress like one," Wolf replied. "There are changin' rooms over there," the older boy said as he pointed to the other side of the room. "You can change in there, then wash up an' keep up with everyone else. We's get breakfast from the nuns on the way ta The Woild. Usually stale bread, coffee or wada, an' sometimes there's fruit," Wolf explained before walking away.

Claire took a few moments before gathering the clothes into her arms and then tried to carefully climb down from the bunk. Only she ended up falling and landed on the boy who slept on the bottom bed of their bunk. "Sorry Al - I mean Elm - I know! You're, Henry?" Claire said, causing the boy to chuckle at her attempt to remember his name. "I's Wisp," he replied with a smile. "Welcome ta the newsies. An' don't worry bout fallin', just don't let it happen again," Wisp said as he got up and walked away.

Claire nodded to herself as she grabbed her shoes before walking to one of the dressing rooms. After closing the door she took off her dress, stockings and the rest of her undergarments and put on the clothes Wolf had given her. Though it felt weird to be wearing torsos, Claire actually didn't hate it. She put on the cap, gathered up her clothes and then headed out of the dressing room to almost be run over by not one, but two of the boys. "Get back here Albert or so help me I'll soak yer sorry butt into next week!" Race yelled as he chased Albert around the bunk room. Claire just stood there watching, and wondering what Albert did to get Race that mad. She also made a mental note not to do anything Albert says, or risk getting...soaked into next week. Whatever that meant. Oh and, she also noted Albert was the one who looked like a leprechaun.

"So!" someone exclaimed as they patted Claire on the back. Which made the smaller girl yelp and jumped up due to shock. "You excited for yer first day as a newsie Feisty?" a tall, curly blonde asked with a smile.

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