Forever His Girl

188 7 142

July 1897

"Anyways, as I's was sayin'," Feister said as she told Mush what had happened when she went selling with Race at Sheepshead that morning. "We's was sittin' there watchin' the horses run round the track, the crowd was roarin' with energy so loud that it could make the deaf hear! Remember, this is the last race for the mornin', an' of course Race drags me into a bet on who would win. I's bet Frost will win. Ya shoulda seen that horse Mush, she was white as the first snow in December. Real fast too, with a big spirit. But Racer says that Frost an' 'er jockey are rookies, an' barely make it in the top three. So, Racer bets on Star, a horse that's black an' has these white spots that actually make 'im look like a starry night sky. Which makes ya wonder if these jockeys, or whoever the heck names these horses, were newsies cause the names sure do fit the horses. But I's gettin' side tracked an'-" Feister stopped talking when she looked and saw Mush was no longer beside her. She saw him a few feet away staring off into space with a dopey smile. The little news girl walked right up to her best friend and said, "Hello." while waving her hand in front of his face. "Mush brains quick lookin' like a complete idiot an' snap outta it!"

"Wait - what?" Mush asked while shaking his head. He looked down and saw Feister was standing right front of him with a look on her face.

Feister rolled her eyes at Mush's stupidity and turned around to see just what he was staring at. Across the street there was a bakery where people going in and out. There was one person lingering outside the shop. A young girl was holding a basket of items as she looked at a small piece of paper. Most likely a list of things to get if she had to guess. Feister turned back to Mush and said, "Look, I's would love ta have some fresh bread for once too. But we's got more important things ta buy with what we's earn. Like a food, a place ta spend the night, papes, an' all that other stuff."

"I's sorry, what were ya sayin'?" Mush asked as he popped out of his thoughts.

"Quit day dreamin' bout yer stomach an' get movin'," Feister replied in a serious tone before storming away into the crowded sidewalk. She was getting this weird feeling in her stomach. Maybe it was her breakfast wasn't settling right. It wouldn't be the first time. Feister pushed the feeling aside and continued to walk to her selling spot.

Mush soon caught up and asked, "So, who won the bet, you'se or Race?" the smallest smile appeared on the corner of Feister's lips. "Please tell me you'se did so I's can rub it right into Racer's face for all the teasin' I's get for bein' in love with ya."

"I's get teased too, ya know," Feister reminded. "An' I's won the bet," she replied with a little smirk.

"That's my goil," Mush said proudly while slinging an arm around Feister and pulled her closer. Which was short lived because Feister punched Mush right in the gut causing him to remove his arm from her. "What was that for?" he asked.

"Get this straight, I's ain't yer goil ya idiot!" Feister snapped with a glare in her eyes.

"Noted," Mush replied with a little head nod. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and started to whistle a little tune.

"Good," Feister said as she looked away from Mush and onto the ground. Again, a weird feeling started to form in her stomach. It was slightly different than the one she felt moments ago, but still made her feel weird. And, just like before, Feister pushed it aside and went on walking to the selling spot with Mush.

───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────

"Extra, Extra, mystery of death deepens!" Feister shouted while waving the paper in the air. Soon enough, a man came over and handed her some money. In return Feister handed the man the paper with a smile as she said, "Thank ya." smiling to herself, Feister threw the coin up into the air, caught it, and pocketed the money before grabbing another paper out from her bag. While doing this, Feister looked up and caught sight of Mush, who was talking to some girl. Again.

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