Always There

136 4 71

May 1893

Hugging her knees to her chest as she sat on the metal fire escape looking over the stinky streets of New York. A little sigh escaped her lips while her gaze fell upon the white bandages wrapped around her arm that she so desperately wanted to take off, but knew every single boy in the bunkroom would throw a fit if she did so. But Feister didn't like it when they fussed over her, even if they meant well. See, what happened was that her secret was finally revealed... She and Mush were minding their own business when the Delanceys approached them, one thing led to another and her cap fell off. You can figure out what happened after that. There were no serious injuries, though Mush did get the worst of it because he just had to jump in and save the day when in fact Feister was holding up fine on her own.

It wasn't long until Mush came onto the fire escape and plopped down next to the news girl. He didn't say anything at first, but after a few minutes of silence he finally asked how she was holding up, while also hoping she wouldn't snap and or punch him for asking the simple question. Or worse.

"Fine Mush for brains," Feister replied without making any eye contact. "No need ta worry yer cap off bout me." she didn't understand why he was so worked up over nothing for. It wasn't his fault it happened. It didn't concern him in any shape or form. This was her problem to take care off, Feister didn't need anyone looking out for her, the only person she needed was herself. Sad as it sounded it was true. She can take care of herself just fine without any help from no one. But of course, Mush just has to swoop in and play the role of a knight in...a checkered shirt and cap. Yep, that definitely makes Feister feel so much better. Not.

"Ya do realize ya nearly died, right?" Mush asked. He was probably being a little over dramatic, but he was protective of the Feister. Though, he didn't realize he was until Kid Blink pointed it out to him just moments ago after his little rant about how if he sees one of the Delanceys then they better watch out. It was an odd thought, but it wasn't a terrible one would be a lie to say he didn't notice how cut off Feister would be from everyone else every now and again. Feister's...well...she's complicated. Some days she's yelling about who knows what, and the next she's distant from everyone else. And Mush didn't understand it. He wanted her to know that it's ok to let them in...let him in...

"Yer the one that ran in head first when it was me they's was after," Feister reminded as she glanced over at him. "An' I's was holdin' up just fine till ya came along." it was true, she was holding her ground just fine before Mush had to step in and mess everything up. The kid didn't know when to butt out of something for his own good. She didn't need him protecting her at every things life throws at her! Feister never asked him to pull crazy stunts like that, he just did it on an impulse. And Mush says she's the reckless one between the the two of them.

"Say what ya want, but I's always gonna be watchin' out for ya Feisty. No matter how much ya hate the idea of me lookin' out for ya, I's promise I's will," he replied in a serious tone while looking her dead in the eyes.

Feister turned her body around so she could face Mush while saying, "Yeah? You'se gonna look out for me huh? But who's gonna look out for yer sorry butt?"

"I's can take care of both of us," the young boy replied as if it were nothing to worry about.

"Ok, but who's gonna take care of ya when you'se layin' on the ground half dead?" she asked with a little smirk. "If you'se gonna watch my back, it's only fair I's watch out for yers Meyers." Feister knew she had him there when he got that stupid look across his face. "Whatsa matter? Cat got yer tongue?" she teased as her smirk seemed to grow a little bit.

"H-how do ya know my last name?" Mush asked, completely dumbfounded since he never told her that little piece of information. He would've remembered if he did. And he knows none of the boys know either, he never gave his real name when he first came to the Lodge! For two days he was always referred to as "new kid" or "Blink's kid". Then, oh then when this feisty little girl came up to him that all changed. From that day forward he's gone by "Mush". He didn't even get a say in the nickname, it just happened. It stuck. And here we are now. Not to say he hates it, it's just when Feister gets on his very last nerve, that's when the problem starts to rise. But at least he's responsible for her nickname...which she seems to wear with pride. So that backfires in a way...right?

"Sometimes ya write it in the ledger Mush for brains. I's was bound ta find out eventually ya know," Feister replied. Now she was happy that Kloppman taught her how to read, if she didn't then she never would've found this little gem. To her, it's another great way to tease, and or annoy him to no end. Mush for brains Meyers. It has a very nice ring to it if you ask her.

"Oh yeah well...two can play at that game Feister...." oh wait, he can't play that game because he doesn't know at all. Mush could try and sneak a peek into the ledger...but that wasn't an option at the moment. Well, a wild guess is better than none at all, right? "Smith," he finally said.

"Smith?" she asked in an amused tone.

"Yeah, Smith," Mush replied, well aware he was starting to dig himself yet another hole. But he wasn't about to let her win this round...and any other round that's to come.

"That's the best ya could come up with Meyers?"

"Then how bout ya, oh, I's dunno, give a guy a clue?!" he yelled while throwing his arms in the air.

Feister chuckled and simply responded with, "Not happenin'." while trying her best to bury down the memories from her past that suddenly started to creep into her mind once more. She didn't want Mush to find out more about who she was before coming to the newsies...she's already told him too much. Yeah, he's slow on the uptake, but it wouldn't take a genius to eventually put two and two together. Even when she didn't want to, Feister ended up telling Mush her whole story one night when she had a hard time sleeping. Surprisingly he listened to what she had to say quietly before offering some reassuring words once she had finished. She didn't know why that happened, but it was also...nice getting that off her chest...

Not knowing what came over herself, Feister went in and hugged Mush as tightly as she could. She wasn't sure why this was happening, but she certainly wasn't about to let go either. Maybe, just maybe it would be ok to let her guard down a little bit. For him at least. He's never shown any signs of leaving her out of the blue, none of the boys have. But Mush is....well he's plain ole Mush for brain Meyers. What made him stand out from the rest? Perhaps Feister will never know. She just hoped he'd stay close to her forever. For she wouldn't know what to do with herself without her best friend.

"An' ya say I's the soft one," Mush quietly chuckled as he gently wrapped his arms around the little news girl without a second thought. He was used to her randomly clinging to him for dear life, sudden punches or little outbursts. Whatever she had to throw at him he was always ready no matter what. It was in moments like this Mush was reminded that Feister doesn't have an ice cold heart, she simply didn't know how to express what she was feeling. And that's ok. Because he'd be there for her when she was ready to open up.

"Shut up," Feister grumbled.

"Ya ever need ta tawk I's here," he said before pressing a light kiss to the top of her head. "You'se can always come ta me, ya know that, right?"

"I's know," Feister quietly replied after a few moments of silence.

───── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─────

Author's note

There's such a sweet innocents sounding this chapter, along with their usual banter, because it's never complete without a bit of that sprinkled in. Mush getting all protective over Feister, and her revealing she now knows his last name were a few favorite moments of mine. Feister letting her guard down out of the blue at the ending is sort of the point where she's starting to fully trust Mush with whatever. Overall this was a favorite of mine to write, I always enjoy showing her softer side when given the chance too. I hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading, and I'll see you soon!

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