Attachments & Loud Thoughts

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She walked beside Wolf and Jumps with the bag of newspapers slung around her body in complete silence. Though it felt weird without Mush being there. It had only been a few days since he had got taken to that nightmare of a place, but it felt much longer than that. She just hoped he was alright. She's heard awful stories about that place. She's seen the effects it leaves on a person. Both mentally and physically. She didn't understand how a place like that was even allowed to be opened. Much less how nothing was being done to get it shut down.

Wolf and Jumps took notice of the news girl's change in behavior ever since she came running into the bunkroom that faithful afternoon. Red faced and breathing heavier than she should've been as she explained what had happened. She tried dragging them both by the arms to go and do something. But the Manhattan leaders were quick to settle down before she passed out. Eventually they got her to get some sleep before slipping away to talk privately about a potential break out. The soon they'd get it done, the better. But the most important fact was on Mush and how much strength he had for the task.

"Don't worry bout Mush, Feisty, alright? Everythin' will be fine," Jumps said, finally breaking the silence.

Feister only hummed in response without making any eye contact whatsoever.

The two leaders looked at each other and shrugged. They've never seen her act like this in the past. They were both doing their best to help her through this situation. Though it was a bit hard considering they weren't used to caring for a girl's needs. They were doing their best of course, but Feister didn't make it easy by being closed off. She seemed to have lost her unpredictable nature, and would rather slump around all day. But who could blame her? Someone she's close too is stuck in a living nightmare until who knows when.

The trio made it to the park and went on with the day as always, though Feister seemed to struggle just a little bit without Mush there to back her up on a sale. She was a good little actress on her own when hawking headlines of course, but she was used to having someone by her side at every second. Or at least someone at the same level as she was. Wolf and Jumps were great newsies to sell with, but the thing was that they were much more seasoned at the job and she's well...still trying to find her way around peddling the papes.

For the rest of the day Feister couldn't stop wondering how Mush was doing stuck in that nightmare of a place. She couldn't shake the image of how some of the boys were battered and bruised after a trip to the Refuge. Bolting awake at the screams of an awful nightmare that would strike once again. She wasn't stupid, she knew how long it took for the wounds, the memories, all of it, to fade away. She's seen it first hand...though there were a few times Wolf told her and some of the younger newsies to leave the room. But deep down she knew she wasn't going to leave Mush's side when he returned. Which is a little odd because even though she still keeps her distance, he seems to be the only one that makes her Something she hasn't felt in a long time. Sure, it's safe living at the Lodge, but this was a different kind of safety. It made her head dizzy trying to figure out the difference between the two. So Feister went about the day doing her best to finish selling the papers.

She distracted herself with the task at hand so her mind wouldn't wander to this whole Refuge mess. She kept telling herself to stop worrying and focus on making it till tomorrow.....though it was easier said than done. It was a hard subject to not think about. How could she just brush it off? Feister had to take a moment to recollect herself before returning to what was important at the moment. Then, a new thought struck her mind.....Was she starting to get attached?

No. She couldn't get attached. Feister didn't like that idea. Who's to say he wouldn't get up and leave her when she would need him most? But still...Mush hasn't really done anything to show she can' him. He's easy to talk to and always says she can go to him when something is bugging her. He's the first face she sees after waking up from a nightmare. And is usually the person to be by her side when she makes a mess of things. Yet, despite all that, she refused to admit she was getting attached. Feister wouldn't let herself. Even if she wanted to get closer with Mush and the rest of the the end it wouldn't work in her favor.

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