Chapter 4

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Laurens pov

I was exhausted. 

Work was a pain. I finally was able to get off of work, but that didn’t stop me from all the exams I have to study for. So I went to my local library after my work shift and studied as much as I could but at some point fell asleep at the early hours in the morning in my work clothes and hoodie.

“Come on Lauren, it's time for you to get home and get some rest” i heard the librarian say. I didn't have much rest to even think at the moment so I nodded and packed my things up and headed home, but not before thanking her for letting me be able to be here when it’s closed.

I was one of the many to always be stuck in the library when I can to do some homework. It was closer than home was and a way to brush up on school. It was always open until late and had comfy chairs and quiet areas.

I try and do my best to study my butt off with school because it was something I was good at but i don't want all the money that went into my education to go to waste knowing if I failed, I would have to pay it all back with money I didn't have.

But I get by. Though even with the tiredness I felt i loved early mornings.

Walking home it was peaceful and refreshing as the birds singing and the sun was barely coming up. The air was crispe and the sun was shining through the trees and people were beginning to wake.
I just reministed in it.

Even with the sleepiness in my eyes and the tiresome of my body it felt great to see the sun come up. I finally got to my apartment building and got to my floor walking to my door. When I opened the door I sat my bag down and sat near the door taking off my shoes and I sighed to myself as I let my head rest against the door feeling the exhaustion hit me. But as I sat there against the door I was immediately attacked with wet kisses.

“Leo!" I said happily as my puppy continued to lick my cheek making me laugh as I pet his head and behind his ears.

“I see someone missed me” i said as he just barked and continue to lick my face which only tickled.

“Haha okay bud let’s get you some food yeah?.....yeah “ i got up from where I sat and walked over to his bowl as he hopped around and followed me excitedly. Filling up his bowl he happily chowed down and I shook my head “chubby” I mumbled 

After feeding Leo I walked over to my room and got fresh clothes and ended up taking a shower. Letting the warm semi hot water hit me felt nice, soon when I was done I saw that it was only 6 so I had at least 2 to 3 hours to sleep before i had to get up for my other job.

So me and Leo just hung out on the couch as I dozed off and of course Leo managed to cuddle into me and I eventually fell asleep with the blanket I had hanging off the couch. When i woke up a few hours later I heard my phone ringing and blinding grabbing it from the small coffee table and answered.

“Hello?” I asked a little irritated.

“ Lo where are you? Cause i know its not here and you want to know how I know?”

“What are you on about Lu?” I said confused by her rushed and loud voice, petting Leos little ears who was still cuddled up to me.

“Because I'm always late and your always on time” now that made me frown but as soons as I processed what she said, I took the phone away from my ear and checked the time. My eyes widened a little when I saw the time. I was already 30 minutes late for work.

“Oh shoot okay… i'm on way just. Stall." I said hopping up from the couch.

“The things I do for you”

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