Chapter 9

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Camila's pov

Can this world get any smaller cause i don’t think it can.

I was stunned to see the ravened haired girl but more than that i wanted to laugh because we seriously run into each other everywhere.

“Camila ...i know” 

I heard the mysterious women say. Well Lauren, I should say. And I couldn't help but chuckle at her finally getting a name to the face that is always on my mind.

“Lauren…” I tested it out for the first time and I had to admit, the name suited her.

“Thats me" she added as she put out her hand for me to shake which I gladly shook only for her to pull me into her and give me a much needed hug. And I held her tightly and close as I could.

“Wait you guys know each other?” I heard Dinah ask as we separated from the hug.

“Um...Yeah she i mean i’m-” I stumbled over my words only to have Lauren to cut in.

“Yeah we work together” She said as Dinah nodded as the girls came to join us.

“Oh cool, so we don’t have to go through the awkward moment then” Dinah said and walked over to the couch. And we all followed suit but we stopped in our tracks at the sound of a bark.

There sat next to the door was a small dog, almost like a puppy but still fully grown. He sat in his harnist and wagged his tail waiting patiently.

“Oh Leo i’m sorry bud” Lauren said as she jogged over to him and let him out his leash and he ran off. 

I was weak when it came to dogs.

“Awe you have a dog!” I squealed kneeling down and tried to get the pup’s attention, which I did as he ran over to me and licked my face to death until i was basically laying down on the floor in giggles.

“Yeah and he seems to love you already” Lauren said as she chuckled. I managed to get a hold of the pup and smile towards Lauren before picking him up and walked over to the couch and plopped down with the rest of them.

“Wow so we finally get to be in your presents” Normani said as Lauren rolled her eyes.

“Look I'm here now and I've been busy much like anyone else, ” she said, smirking as the other girls shook their heads “ but I did miss you guys too”

“Yeah and who would have thought you would already know Mila” Dinah said as she ate her popcorn. I looked towards Lauren but she already had her eyes on me and I gave her a small smile before turning back to Leo and talked to him as if he were a baby.

“Yeah…” Lauren said before stealing some popcorn from Dinah who just glared at her “ so what are we doing?”

“We were actually gonna watch a movie" I spoke up and saw Dinah hop up from the sofa.

“Yes and since your here we can have a Final fair vote” Dinah said hooking up netflix 

“Yeah last time you bailed on us and we were stuck watching friends because Mila and Ally where afraid to watch a scary movie” Normani said as Ally gave her a disbelief face.

“Hey it was a tie and besides me and Mila wanted to watch a romcom” Ally said

“Well now we can watch a scary movie cause Lo loves them and it’s 3 out of 2” Normani shot back.

I had to say watching these girls bicker was pretty amusing. Just having Lauren here made it even better than i thought.

“Yes exactly so i suggest we watch ‘Dead silent’’ Dinah suggested with an evil smirk. And that just made it even scarier, i know it’s sorta based on the goosebumps book that had to do with dummy’s but no i couldn’t, i won’t be able to sleep.

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