Camila's povWhere do I start?
I could start from the beginning or at the best part of how my day turned around in a 180….. But all I could think about was everything all at once.
I had the most amazing night. I definitely wasn't expecting to see the green eyed beauty or have her invite me to have late brunch with her. She was nice as ever from what I knew but tonight i got to know a little bit about her and even tell her about me. Well more than the uninteresting parts about myself.
But I still haven't gotten a name to this mystery person.
I felt happy so far lately since I went over to my mothers and spent the weekend with them. And my day seemed to get even better as I managed to cross paths with a certain green eyed beauty. We talked over text but it wasn’t ever long conversations. In the short time that I got to know the raven haired girl i knew that she work way too many hours and had school on top of it all.
So getting a chance and running into her last night was unexpected and exciting.
Soon I was home from dropping off the lovely girl I spent a few hours with, that and from being dropped off in front of my father's company by my mother who had to work just down the road while Sofi stayed with her grandmother.
It's not like my mother could drop me off at home she hasn’t seen my father in almost a year and i was lucky they haven’t otherwise it would have been a mess.
So here I am now walking up to the large house and walked in after bidding Danny goodnight. The house was quiet and I guessed my father went to bed, considering it was very late. I stayed as quiet as I could while I snuck up to my room quickly.
After making it to my room I quickly changed and got into my bed and just shut out the world and slept with a smile after tonight. I hadn’t felt this great in a while and I don't want even the smallest thought ruin it.
When I woke the next morning I felt all the memories of the week rushing through my mind and i couldn't help but smile. I stretched a little and took a deep breath sighing heavily while I snuggled deeper in my sheets. I wanted to stay in my bed a little longer before facing the day but more importantly facing my father.
I got up from bed and got dressed but took my time getting dressed. Eventually I made my way down stairs for breakfast and when I stepped into the dining room, there my father, looking over some papers with an unreadable expression as he placed the files down and watched me closely.
I took a deep breath walking up to the table before taking a seat as I squeaked out a good morning. After our disagreement I was long gone from that confident girl I was that night. In the moment i was impulsive yes, but what I said was true of what I had been feeling. Although i was feeling slightly nervous of what my father had to say now, I don't regret what I had said.
Anna served me my breakfast like always and I thanked her as she walked out of the room to give me and my father the time to talk in private.
We were quiet for the moment and i avoided looking at my father as I played with my food. I could feel his eyes on me but I didn't dare look up and just waited for him to yell or scream but to my surprise he didn’t.
“I see your back” my father spoke up with an emotionless voice "How is your mother and sister?”
“Doing just fine, Sofi says hi” i said focusing on my food moving it around. I frowned at his approach of conversation and took a chance at looking at him.
“Right" He said before pushing his papers aside, looking away the moment i looked up before he focused on me once more.
“Well….” he started out once he put away his files and placed his hands together in front of him “ since you think you can handle yourself after that little stunt you pulled last week, I'm gonna give you a chance to do exactly that” This confuses me to no end, what was he talking about?

You Are So Beautiful To Me...
RomanceUnexpected love Two people from opposite sides of the way they were raised come across one another and find a peice of there lives they had no idea they were missing