Chapter 29

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Camila's pov

I didn’t know what to think in the moment when I answered my door. The last person I expected to see after everything was Lauren. But seeing her i couldn’t help but have my heart ached and leap at the same time. 

I felt so many things when i came across her at my doorstep. I was nervous for one seeing as she was here. Hopeful that maybe she would finally let me explain things and give me another chance to put her trust in me. But also scared because what if she was here to break it off with me, to end things and I didn't know if I could handle that pain knowing how much I loved her.

She hadn't said anything and that made me even more anxious as she stood there watching me with her eyes I hadn't gotten the chance to see in weeks. My favorite green eyes.

I noticed it was raining but she didn’t seem to be bothered as she stood there watching me. And all I could think about was what she could be doing here if she wouldn’t answer any of my calls or text to let me explain and all I could think about was every bad possible reason she could be here.

But as I went to ask why she was here she cut me off before I could finish my sentences. 

Her lips enclosed mine and i was surprised to say the least as she held me close and kissed my lips with such eagerness. After a moment I caught on and I kissed back just as eagerly. I could feel my tears escaping from my eyes as I felt so overwhelmed being so immersed in her. But as she kissed me I forgot all my fears in the moment because she was here, with me. And I haven't been able to touch her, let alone kiss her in weeks.

I could care less that the rain was pouring down on us because she was real. She was here in front of me and what this meant as we kissed I did not know. But I didn't want to do anything to ruin this moment with her.

I pulled her inside away from the rain. There was something in between us that went unsaid but I think we both knew. I took her hand and pulled her along with me towards my room. My heart was pounding with every step I took with Lauren following close behind me. But standing in front of her now all i wanted was her.

I lost my senses with every kiss and every touch we shared as my heart exploded. My body was on fire holding her so close to me. I lost myself in all things her but i couldn’t believe she was here with me and honestly i was hoping this wasn’t just a dream.

I held her as tightly as I reached my high as well as she did and I didn't know if i held on so tightly because I didn't want to let her go or that I felt everything as my heart exploded in ecstasy. I tried catching my breath as well as Lauren. Sweat had collected across our body’s as the tiredness fell over us and at some point we both fell into a deep sleep.

A few hours later I woke up feeling dazed but more relaxed then i had been in weeks. I took a deep breath and stretched a little but as i did i noticed Lauren next to me wrapped in the loose sheet cuddled a pillow with her hair covering her face.

Sighed and smiled lightly as I turned onto my side. I moved her hair from her face and caressed her cheek softly. She looked so beautiful as she slept and I couldn't take my eyes off. I don’t know how long I lay there staring at her but i swear i memorized every detail from her long eyelashes to her light freckles on her nose.

But as I lay there I realized that we still had yet to talk. And what all this meant. 

My mind wondered about all the possible things and all those fears and nervous came rushing  back. I gave Lauren one last look before I kissed her hairline and got up. I dressed in a shirt and shorts i got from my closet and headed down to the kitchen. 

I made some coffee and just thought over what all this was. And just waited until Lauren woke up from her sleep. It was dark out by now but the rain hasn't stopped but it came down softer then it was before. 

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