Chapter 7

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Camila's pov

“Okay don’t freak out you can do this”

I’ve been in my bathroom for i don’t know how long trying to prepare myself for the day. Today would be the day I'd fill in for my father while he was away.

I spent almost an hour in the shower and an hour trying to get dressed but nothing seemed to be right and now here I stand in front of my mirror with my makeup almost done and me freaking out about having to make my way to the car to go to……

Oh god, I cringed visibly just thinking about it. 

“Mija… I think you’ve spent enough time in the bathroom" I heard Anne’s familiar voice

“What if they badly of me? think of me as some stuck up version of their former boss?” I asked dismissing her statement, with a frustrated sigh and dropping my arms to my side as I walked out of the bathroom.

“They won’t" she said with a small laugh before sitting next to me on the bed “ if anything they’ll love you”

I looked at her helpless while all she did was give me a comforting smile and rubbed my back. I sighed and gave her a grateful hug. She was like my second mom. 

“Yeah but i’m just… nervous” I mumbled and she only chuckled.

“Why because you think you can’t do what your father does for a living?” she questioned and I could sense the disbelief in her voice but in a playful manner. I just shrugged not wanting to leave the comfort of my home, here watching netflix all day or text Dinah, maybe even hang out with her and the girls from the other night.

“Mija i have no doubt you can do this besides you know this stuff like the back of your hand”

“Really?” I asked still doubtful.

“Yes” she said kissing my head “Now, go crush it”

With that i got up and finished getting ready before making my way down stairs to have some food and do what i’ve been dreading since my father told me. Once I was done with breakfast i stood in the doorway to the house hesitantly as I held my purse in my hands. I felt Anne stand next to me wrapping an arm around my shoulder comfortingly and look at me with a proud smile as I turned to her.

“But I don't know anyone” I said referring to our earlier conversation sounding as if this was my first day of school all over again.

“You’ll be just fine” she said hitting my butt with her foot somehow and only made us laugh when i tried to get her back. She always knew how to make things a little lighter.

Taking a deep breath before releasing myself from Anna, I made my way to the car where Danny waited patiently. I tried to sneak back in the house but of course Anne blocked my way and lightly pushed me to the car.

The car ride there was agonizing and i felt like i was about to see my breakfast, my stomach was in so many knots and it seemed to get even worse when we got closer to my fathers workplace. Soon enough Danny parked in front of the building and I just sat there eyeing the building with so much fear before I had to get out at some point.

“Go on kiddo,  you’ll be okay” Danny spoke up breaking me from my internal struggle. I took one last deep breath as he gave me a nod and encouraging smile. 

“I’ll see you Dan” i said just before I opened the door and made my way to the entrance. 

Walking into the building was a struggle in itself but entering and feeling the cold air that hit me felt nice, easing my mind considering how hot it was outside. I took a chance to look around the area and seen it as no more than a desk near the elevators and a small area for people to wait, filled with couches and loveseats as well as some decor to make this place seem like a hotel. 

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