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Mae walked from her apartment building gripping her jacket around her frame. The weather wasn't that bad for 9:30 in the morning in March, it was just a bit windy.

She barely got 5 steps from the building when she realized she had forgotten her purse.

"Seriously? What else are you going to throw at me today!?" She closed her eyes and pointed her head towards the sky with a groan before turning on her heels to head back to retrieve her things.

"Back so soon?" Jim, the nicest maintenance man ever, greeted Mae once again as she sped through the lobby.

"Not really just forgot something!" She jogged through the lobby towards the elevator slamming the button way more than necessary. She finally reached the 3rd floor and pulled her keys from her back pocket. How she didn't forget those was a miracle she thought to herself.

After grabbing her purse, checking it for her phone and wallet, and then standing in her entryway for 30 seconds more to make sure she had everything she'd need for the day, she was finally able to get her coffee.

Luckily the coffee shop she stopped at every single morning was only 3 blocks from her apartment and only a 10-minute walk from Work. Before she walked inside she decided to pull her phone out to check some emails. Thankfully there wasn't anything urgent or remotely important. Just emails stating that the headliner for tonight's show had arrived at 8 am this morning and is currently set up for the show.

Mae worked at the Capital One Arena in Washington DC. She'd gotten lucky in that her father had worked there all her life and got her a job as soon as she turned 16. It's been history ever since, and she's even managed to work her way up. She typically handles more of the behind the scenes stuff with booking the performances and all, but she almost always finds herself helping out wherever she can. But she can't get enough.

Before looking up from her phone completely, she turned to enter the shop, but before she could process what was happening, she slammed into someone who was leaving at the same time.

"Jesus Christ!" Mae cursed as she stepped back. Thankfully she'd managed to escape being spilled on by the strangers' coffee.

"Shit! I'm so sorry!" He spoke. He was wearing dark sunglasses on his eyes, but she could tell he was just as surprised as she was. He was about the same average height has her. She could see his shaggy black hair peeking from under the black beanie on his head. She also took notice of the small tattoos peaking from his semi pushed up hoodie sleeves.

"No, no, it's fine. I should have been paying attention instead of at this stupid fucking thing... let me buy you another?" She motioned to his coffee that was now dripping from his hand.

"Nah don't worry about it. I, on the other hand, can tell you're not off to a good start, let me get yours." She didn't even have time to respond, as he was already opening the door for her to enter. She smiled politely at him as she walked in front of him.

"Maegan! Good morning sweetheart." She heard Ms. Nancy before she saw her. She owned the small shop and was literally the only person allowed to call her by her first name. She'd been going by Mae for as long as she could remember.

"Good morning Ms. Nancy! Can I just have my regular please?" Mae smiled at the older woman who flashed a smile before turning to make her order. The other gentleman behind the counter took the stranger's order as he quickly paid for both drinks.

"You didn't have to do that," She gave him a half-smile before tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "But thank you. I'm Mae." She held her hand out for the stranger to shake.

"Hey, don't mention it. I'm Billie." He shook Mae's hand quickly before turning and grabbing her drink for her. "Do you have to be somewhere?" Billie asked.

"Unfortunately I do, I've gotta get to work." She groaned. "Thanks for the coffee again, I really appreciate it. I was off to a rough start this morning." She chucked a bit.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I could tell. You seemed a bit tense. But hey, enjoy your day. Hopefully, it gets a little better." Billie smiled. Mae smiled as nodded her head before giving him a small wave and turning to walk down the street towards the arena.

"Wait a second, Mae?" Billie called after her. He took a few quick steps towards her as she turned around.

"What's up?"

"I just noticed you were going the same direction I am. I've gotta go towards the arena." He smiled.

"Oh, so do I actually. I work there."

"Well shit. I'll be there later today for the concert."

"Nice! It's supposed to be a good one. It came really close to selling out."

"Yeah, I heard. Hey, wanna grab a drink later on? Sorry if that's too forward. You just seem like someone who could use one." Billie chuckled nervously.

Mae tossed the idea around quickly in her mind. It had been a while since she had a drink. And she could get them for cheap or damn near free at the arena itself. She didn't see the harm in it.

"Yeah sure. I can get us cheaper beer at the arena if you'd like. I can meet you down there somewhere for a drink in between sets or before the show or something." She smiled lightly.

"Sure thing, here put your number in there and I'll shoot you a text so you have my number. I'll give you a call later! But for now, If you'd like the company, I'll walk with you." Mae grabbed his phone and tapped her number along with her name and handed it back to him.

"I'd like that. Thanks."

They spent the rest of the short walk to the arena making random chit chat. Billie seemed like a pretty decent guy. Not that she was looking for anything serious at the moment. But some new friends are never a bad thing to have.

"This is me. Thanks again! I'll shoot you a text later for that drink!" She smiled.

"No problem. I'll catch ya later." Billie waved as Mae walked into the building.

Billie couldn't wipe the stupid smile off his face. He couldn't help but wonder if she knew who he was or that he was the concert later. Especially since she worked there? He wasn't sure, but she seemed like a decent person to get to know. He pulled his phone out quickly and tapped out a quick message to Mae.

Hey, it's Billie Joe. See you later!

Fell for You  || Billie Joe Armstrong Where stories live. Discover now