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After Billie and Mae at lunch with her parents, they didn't bother to stay much longer. Mae used Billie as an excuse to leave, which he went along with, thankfully.

Before they left, Mae's father pulled her aside letting her know that he was extremely happy for her. Seeing someone care so deeply for his daughter made him a lot more comfortable with their relationship. He was just hoping his suspicions about the whole rockstar image weren't right.

Billie and Mae found themselves in the car on the way back to her place. He placed his hand on her thigh, making Mae smile to herself as they drove in a comfortable silence.

"Is it bad that I already wanna start looking at flights to come back?" Billie spoke up a few moments later.

Mae smiled as she kept her eyes on the road. She was definitely going to miss having Billie around. Granted he'd only been in DC for a few days, they got along so well that it felt like much longer. "I might have looked into my schedule and might have some free time in early May." She grinned like she just gave Billie a surprise that had been eating her alive.

"Well, I'll make sure my schedule is clear." He smiled as he stroked her thigh with his thumb.

They soon parked the car in Mae's parking garage and made their way to her apartment. "Thanks for helping me get out of my parents' house by the way.." she chuckled as they entered the elevator. Billie laughed.

"Hey, no problem. They were very nice and I think All and all it went well, but shit. That was intense. So. I apologize."

"Don't do that. I told you, it's fine. It actually left a great impression on my father." She grabbed his hand and pulled him closer. Billie didn't hesitate to pull her into a soft kiss. It was cut short though by the elevator doors opening revealing a younger man holding a rather expensive looking camera. The flash went off as the shutter sound lasted for a good second meaning more than one picture was taken.

"Get the fuck out of here before I call the fucking cops! If I see your fucking face around here again I won't Hesitate to beat it in!" Billie yelled down the hall as the kid ran off. "Fuck dude!" He ran his hand through his hair.

"Jesus fucking Christ. They know where I fucking Live?!" Mae tensed.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. I'm leaving, so they won't be bothering you." Billie tried to reassure as Mae leaned against the wall next to the elevator. She knew he was right. But she'd never dealt with something like this before and honestly, it was a little overwhelming.

"Okay. Let's.. let's just get back in there." Billie took notice of how Mae barely looked at him after the incident. That went back to her apartment and Mae suggested a movie. Billie agreed and watched as she put in The Dark Knight.

As the night continued, Mae didn't say much else. She was still very overwhelmed with the encounter with the paparazzi. Thinking that there was a random stranger IN her apartment building for one, who was there to take pictures of her and her new boyfriend... if that's what she wanted to call it.

Billie could see she was a little shaken up and it broke his heart. He has his arm around Mae as they sat on the couch but she barely acknowledged it was there. He knew deep down he should just let her be and that she'll talk when she's ready. But with him leaving in the morning, he didn't want to leave anything unsaid.

"It's gonna be okay.." Billie finally spoke up.

"Hmm?" Mae cocked her head but didn't bother taking her eyes from the tv.

"The paps. It's gonna be okay. We'll tell your management to not let anyone in unless they know them personally... I promise I won't let anything happen."

"Yeah, but what happens when you're not here to prevent anything from happening Billie. I've never had to deal with something like this, so to me, it doesn't really feel like it's gonna be okay right now.." Mae's tone was a little hash and Billie could understand why. Mae let go of the breath she was holding and walked down the hall to her bedroom. Billie gave her some space. Not moving from his position on the couch.

As soon as he thought about getting up. His phone began to ring. He pulled it from his pocket to see Tre was FaceTiming him. He answered the call and faced the phone towards himself.

"Hey, buddy! I just wanted to make sure I'm still picking you up tomorrow morning?" He could see tre sitting on his back porch. He definitely started to miss the warm California weather.

"Yeah man. Thanks again. My flight is set to land at like 9:30am I think."

"Sounds good! Sarah and I will see you tomorrow then!" Billie waved and said goodbye to Tre as he stood from his spot on the couch. He was really hoping Mae had time to cool off by now. He walked into her room to find her mindlessly looking at her phone. He smiled lightly As he glanced at the sight before him.

"Hey beautiful." Billie spoke up lightly, hoping he didn't scare her.

Mae's eyes met with Billies quickly and he could see the apology written on her face. "I'm just going to miss you being here. It's cheesy, but I've been along for so long that the last few days have been the best. And the idea of people practically stalking me while I'm home- it's just a little overwhelming is all." She was now looking at her cellphone as she fiddled with it in her hands. Billie crossed the room and sat next to her on her bed.

"I know It's scary. But I promise I wouldn't let anything happen to you Maegan.. they just want a stupid photo. They know better than to get too close, trust me." Billie smirked. "The distance is going to fucking suuuuck. But we came into this thing with the distance so I know we'll make it work." Billie smiled once again. This time earning one from Mae.

"Thank you.. thank you for everything. This weekend has been the best." She brought her lips up to his in a slow kiss.

Billie didn't hesitate this time, and pulled Mae into his lap without breaking their kiss. Billie made the next move by nipping at Mae's bottom lip, allowing a light chuckle to escape from her lips.

Mae pulled away slowly from Billie and rest her forehead against his with a content smile on her lips. "Im going to look at flights for May tomorrow at work." Billie smiled.

"Sounds exciting." He grinned. "I cant Wait to show you around."

"It'll be fun! I've never been out there." She paused. "But in the meantime, i really need to get to sleep if I'm going to wake up in time to take you to the airport.... well now that I've said it outloud.. maybe it's not a bad idea." She teased.

Billie and Mae changed and got into bed. Billie tucked Mae into him as she rest her head on his chest, lightly tracing the tattoos that decorated his chest.

"Goodnight sweetheart." Billie kissed the top of her head.

"Goodnight handsome."

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