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It had been two weeks since Mae dropped Billie off at the airport. Waving goodbye to him at security was one of the hardest things she found herself having to do in quite some time.

"I'll see you in May right?" Billie had his beanie on, hiding his hair, and his sunglasses on. A look she'd grown accustomed to seeing.

"You should," Mae mumbled. "I'm going to look at flights tonight." She forced a smile.

"Well. No pressure, but I'd love that." Billies' smile was genuine. He pulled her hand up to his lips and pressed a light kiss on the backs of her fingers. "I gotta go sweetheart."

"I know, I know.. ugh. Okay. I gotta go too." She shook her head, trying not to get emotional. "Thank you. Again. I'll see you soon. Call me or something when you land." She wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

"Of course baby girl." Billie placed a kiss on the side of her head before she turned and kissed Billies lips. She stepped back from Billie, making the first move. He grabbed his duffle bag and threw the strap over his shoulder. Neither one of them wanting to say anything else, Billie smiled and turned around as he got in line for security.

They'd FaceTimed every single day since he left. Even if it was for a quick 2-minute chat. It was the little things here and there that Mae was finding to be her favorite parts of their new relationship.

Billie would sometimes call at around 9 pm eastern time, so 6 pm on the west coast, to show Mae a song or some lyrics he'd been working on. He was constantly looking for her opinions. She'd become his new muse and that was something he'd been lacking for a long time. Even though the band was technically taking a break from working because of the worldwide tour they'd just come home from, their minds we're forever working.

Billie was currently sitting at Adrienne's house for a quick coffee while on the way to a meeting.

"Why are you here so early?" Adrienne laughed as she poured his coffee.

"I have a meeting and I just wanted to come talk is all." He grinned.

"AKA, you need help with something." She grinned back. Adrienne would always know how the inner workings of Billie Joe Armstrong's mind would function.

"Okay fuck off. Yes. But it's about the boys, so to be fair, it's something you kind of are obligated to help with.." He took a swig of his coffee.

"Okay okay. What about the boys?" Adrienne sat down at the table across from Billie letting him continue. He glanced around knowing they were both currently upstairs more than likely asleep, but he still didn't want them to hear their conversations.

"I don't know how they're going to react to Mae." He huffed.

"They're not kids B. They'll be accepting of their father dating someone." She reassured.

"No no, I know that I mean Joey really. Mae is only six years older than him.. I'm just terrified he's going to flip his shit and be mad about that or something. Or they'll think it's insane or something. Fuck." Billie exhaled once again.

"You just gotta tell them. Jakob will be fine. He's accepting of everyone. But I can see why you're concerned with Joey. I honestly forget that she's so much younger. She just started following me back on Instagram." Adrianne laughed. "She's so freaking sweet Bill. You did good. Just... don't fuck it up." She knew she wasn't crossing any lines with saying that. She still wanted the best for him.

"I definitely don't intend on it." He chuckled. "Anywho. I should get going. I just- I really needed to hear that. So thank you." He smiled at his ex-wife.

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