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Sunday morning Mae's body woke her up telling her she really had to pee. She started to get out of bed, but the arm that was draped over her stomach tightened it's grip and held her to the bed.

"If you don't let me get up I'm going to piss all over you and this bed.." Mae chuckled. Billie opened one eye slowly to playfully glance at Mae. He could tell she really needed to go, so he set her free.

Mae did her business and walked over to the sink to wash her hands and her face. As she walked back out to her room she saw Billie stretched out across her bed. Billie originally had a hotel room, but after dinner last night Mae drove him to the hotel so he could cancel it and grab his bag.

"Have you even been to your hotel since you got here?" Mae turned to ask Billie as he was driving her car back to her building. "Turn here.."

"Yeah, to book a room and leave my bag there." He chuckled.

"Well, you don't have to waste the money, it's not like you've been there. You can go grab your bag if you wanna just stay with me until you go home?" Mae spoke quietly, feeling a bit shy in the moment.

"Trying to keep me around huh?"

"Now make a left at the light before I change my mind Mr."

Mae replayed the moment in the car last night and chuckled to herself as she walked over to the bed.

"Excuse me sir.." Mae teased as she approached her bed. "I believe this is mine.." she chuckled as she slid into bed pushing his limbs out of the way. She felt Billie shuffle behind her as he wrapped his arms around her once again.

"And you're mine." He kissed her jaw lightly as Mae smiled.

"And you're a cheese ball," She laughed. Billie was propped up on his elbow as he looked at Mae while she lay on the bed. He was still in awe at how beautiful she was. Her dark hair cascading around her shoulders. He thought his ex-wife had been perfect for him, but Mae was something else. She was perfect in every way.

"You all good up there?" Mae poked Billie's forehead bringing him from his thoughts.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about how perfect you are." He chuckled. "And I wish I could say I was lying,"

Mae felt herself blush slightly. She looked into Billies' eyes and could tell he wasn't just feeding her another line. She was finding it hard to stop thinking about him. Without really even thinking, she brought her lips up to his.

Billie chuckled In surprise as Mae kissed his lips, but quickly brought his hand up to the side of her face, pulling her closer to him. Mae took it upon herself to throw her leg over Billie's waist, straddling him. Mae wasn't sure what had come over her. She knew she previously wanted to take things slow, but she just wanted to take the moment in.

Billies calloused hands traced up her bare calves as she still sat on top of him. He could feel the urgency in her kiss, things weren't slowing down he could tell that much. His hands soon found their way to her hips. He sat up himself, Mae still in his lap, all without breaking their kiss.

As his hands moved up her sides and across her back, he couldn't feel her goosebumps forming, and small moans escaping her lips. In one swift motion, he took her shirt from her body leaving her topless in his lap.

Mae didn't know how things had gotten this far, but it certainly felt right. Billie looked down over her half-naked body, not saying anything. Mae's insecurities slowly began to bubble as she was worried he didn't like what he was looking at.

"Fucking hell Maegan. You're fucking flawless." Bille finally spoke breathlessly as his lips found Mae's jaw. He lead a trail of kisses from her neck down across her shoulder. Mae could feel Billies growing erection under her lap. Her hand slid from his chest, down to the hole of his boxer briefs where she didn't hesitate to take Billie into her grasp.

"You don't have to do this.." Billie spoke up as he tried to keep his composure.

"Trust me, I know." Mae's Devilish smirk was back as she pushed Billie onto his back and hovered over him for a moment.

"Fuck." She glanced at her nightstand. "I don't think I have a condom."

Billie smirked as he looked at Mae. "Well I hate to look like a fucking tool, but I threw some in the inside pocket of my bag before I left. ..." He chuckled. "Ya know.. just in case."

"Mmhm. Well, I can't even try to make any smart remarks now.." She laughed as she scurried over to his bag, and reaching into the pocket to see a sleeve of only 3 condoms. It honestly meant more than he'd ever know to see that he didn't bring a whole box.

When Mae returned, Billie had shed his boxers completely leaving him completely naked in her bed. It was certainly a sight she could get used to. She soon found herself right back where she was after Billie playfully tugged her shorts from her legs. Before she knew it, she was lowering herself onto Billie.

"Oh god," she cried out. It had been quite a while since she'd gotten any. Billie began to pick up the pace just enough to make Mae crave even more. Billie could hardly contain himself with how amazing Mae felt.

He pulled her to his chest, as he picked up the pace even more. "Shit Billie, yes!" Mae cried out once again. She felt her orgasm come in one big wave, crashing down in an instant. Hearing him say her name as it dropped with such pleasure was almost enough to send him over the edge.

"Christ you feel so fucking good," it was his turn to speak out. He was trying to focus on anything other than how amazing it all was, but he couldn't contain it any longer. Billies orgasm hit and he slowed down drastically. Before stopping altogether and letting out a sigh.

"Holy fuck babe." Billie grinned at Mae. She had her chin propped on his chest as he looked into her eyes.

"Good morning." She teased.

"Fuck. I'd fuckin say.." Billie laughed as he kissed the tip of her nose.


"Look. Are you sure you want to agree to this?" Mae pressed one more time before the left her apartment.

"Look at me, Maegan." Billie stopped by the door and waited for her to turn to him. "Yes. I would love to meet your parents. They can't be that bad!"

"They're not. I just don't want you to get freaked out so soon." She chuckled awkwardly.

"What would have freaked me out would be if you were to sing me my own songs during sex, meeting my new girlfriends' parents, not so much." He smiled as he placed a kiss on her shoulder before opening the door for her. "Plus. I'm not sure when I'll be back on this side of the world again, so let's do it now."

Mae shrugged as she hesitantly marched out the door and towards the elevator. She couldn't help but feel a bit giddy over the fact that he had called her his girlfriend. It was absolutely pathetic of her to be feeling so happy over something like that, but she brushed it off and grabbed his hand on the elevator as he pulled her into his side.

"Now, is there anything I should Be warned about ahead of time?" Billie teased as they reached her building's parking garage. As Mae got into the driver's seat, she pondered on the question for a moment.

"Not really. My mom is concerned about the age gap of course. Well, my dad is too really, but my dad has always been the more levelheaded of the two. They've always been super supportive of me and my decisions thankfully, so hopefully, they don't shun me for bringing home an older man." She teased as she glanced over a Billie.

"Haha, you ass. Keep bringing up my age and see where it lands you!"

"I sure hope it's not a home," Mae quipped.

Billie looked at Mae with his playful shock on his face. "Alright. I'll remember that Maegan.." Mae laughed as she grabbed Billie's hand. He intertwined their fingers and brought the back of her hand to his lips.

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