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The next few weeks went by in a blur. Mae was working non-stop. The circus came and went meaning it was a crazy work week in itself. The had a few more concerts to handle and then because summer was approaching it was only going to get worse.

Things with Billie were pretty much the same. They would text here and there with flirty little messages mostly from Billies' end. Despite being on a cross country tour, Billie couldn't get his mind off of Mae. The short brunette from DC. He'd met a few different women here and there but he couldn't focus on anyone but her.

"Have you called her recently?" Mike and Billie were sitting in the common area of their tour bus as they coasted down the highway towards Colorado.

"Yeah, we've been texting. We've FaceTimed once or twice. I just can't help but feel like she is still, I don't know, nervous?" Billie wiped his hand down his face.

"Dude just relax. You said she didn't want to rush into anything. Give her time. I know You're excited. I can tell how much you like this girl already. It's clear she doesn't like you because of who you are, so that's already a green flag. Just, don't jump to conclusions yet. Tour is pretty much over, I'm sure you'll see her soon enough." Mike reassured his best friend. Tonight was their last show of the North American tour. Thankfully they were done for a while. Billie loved touring and love everything about his job but he missed being home every now and then.

He decided he would send Mae a quick text before pulling up to the last venue.

I miss you was all it said. He couldn't help the hesitation he felt when he had typed it all out. He and Mae had gotten to the level of mild flirting though so he felt like it was fine. He wasn't expecting the reply so soon if at all because he realized his phone buzzed right away.

I miss you too.

Billies' face lit up like a damn Christmas tree. He felt like he was 20 years old all over again. He honestly hadn't been this happy with a woman since he first met Adrienne.

Adrienne even knew about Mae. Despite being divorced for years now, he and his ex-wife remained very good friends who spoke regularly. Thankfully her new husband understood completely and knew that it was harmless. He felt as if he spoke to them more than his own children.

They didn't know about Mae just yet. He would be lying if he was a little nervous to introduce them to her. And yes it was because of her age. He wasn't so much worried about Jakob, because he was more relaxed and understanding. Joey was the one he was worried about. He was the more reserved. And the nervousness also stemmed from him being so close in age to Mae. He wasn't sure how Joey would handle the information.

Billie had one serious girlfriend after Adrienne, Zoey. Zoey was super sweet but she was too much of a party animal for Billie which is shocking because he used to be the same way. But after having been in rehab for substance abuse, he had to end it because she didn't tone it down. He knew how to handle his alcohol these days but he stays away from everything but the occasional joint here and there.

Billie had about 15 minutes before he knew he'd have to get off the bus again, and so with those few minutes he had, he decided to try FaceTiming Mae. It rang for a few seconds before Mae had answered.

"Hey there." Mae smiled. She was dressed in her work attire which always made Billie smile. Her "edgy" professional attire was adorable in his eyes, and right up his ally.

"Hey, beautiful. How's your day been?"

"Not too bad thankfully. I'm literally just taking my lunch so you got me at a good time." Mae smiled.

"Well good. We're just getting to the last stop so I wanted to try and call you before I got busy again." There was an oddly comfortable silence as Mae moved around on her end.

"When can I see you again?" Billie spoke without realizing what he said.

Mae looked a little caught off guard as well as she looked at Billie. "Well, when will you be home?"

"I'll be home Friday, so tomorrow." Billie chuckled.

"Well, then whenever you're officially done with tour." Mae teased. She was such a smart ass and Billie fucking loved it.

"Okay you ass. I'm serious. I'd love to see you again. Maybe take you on a real date."

Mae didn't bother hiding the smile on her face. She didn't think she'd ever get used to how sweet Billie was to her. "Well, work is hectic. So I don't know if I'd be able to really go anywhere." Billies heart fluttered a bit at the way she had mentioned going to him this time.

"I'll fly out there. Just tell me when. Billie didn't hesitate. He missed this woman more than he wanted to admit.

"Okay." Mae grinned. "Let me look at my schedule and I'll let you know when I can take a few days off."' Billie wanted to jump for joy but he kept his composure. He ran his hand through his hair quickly before responding and letting Mae know that he's gotta get off the bus for check In.


Mae was bored out of her skull that night. She came home from work and made herself a quick dinner and was now lounging in front of the TV messing around on her iPad. She kept thinking back to the conversation she'd had with Billie just earlier in the day. She was finally beginning to let her guard down with this guy. She finally began actually feeling things for him, which was kind of a new phenomenon.

As she sat on her couch a thought popped into her head. She had to do all she could to restrain herself. She knew googling Billie would be a terrible idea. If there was anything in the world she wanted to know, it would be in her best interest to just ask the source himself. She glared at her iPad from her seat on the couch and quickly stood up and walked away.

Mae knew better than that. Googling someone was never a good idea. Especially a potential.. lover? If you could even call him that? She rolled her eyes before flopping on her bed and sighing as she pulled her phone from her pocket. She had an Instagram notification that "billiejoearmstrong has followed you!". She smiled lightly as she opened it up and went to the profile.

It was 90% pictures from the tour he was on. There were a few of his sons, or so she assumed, being that the two younger men looked just like him. Then she found a recent one. It was actually a picture of himself. Well kind of, it was from his eyes and up. He was wearing glasses which she hadn't seen in person yet. He looked extremely handsome in them too. The caption on the photo read: "#cantwaittoseeyou".

Mae felt the butterfly's in her stomach move around. She instantly liked the picture and made sure she was following him back. It was so cheesy but it was, 'in her opinion, very sweet. She was officially getting antsy to see him again.

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