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Billie was still staying with Mae a week later, even though there had been talk of when he was leaving. Mae was feeling much better, finally feeling more like a human, rather than a broken doll.

She was currently curled up next to Billie in bed as he heard her phone chirp signaling a text message, waking her up. She grabbed it from her nightstand to see it was Erica.

"Cooper Charles has entered the chat. "

"Oh my god, he's here!!!" Mae practically screamed, waking Billie up in the process.

"Who's here?!" Billie shot up, looking around. Mae laughed when she realized she woke up Billie Joe.

"Oh, babe I'm sorry. Erica and Charlie had their baby!" Mae gushed. "He's so fucking precious! We gotta go see them!"

Mae tapped out a response to Erica, letting her know how beautiful their new baby boy was, and asking when they could come to visit.

Billie took it upon himself to lay back down in bed. Mae placed her phone back on her nightstand to wait for Erica's response. She rolled over to face Billie and make a sad attempt to wrap her arms around him.

The discussion they had the week prior hadn't come up at all since Billie came from seeing Jakob. It was lingering in the back of both of their minds, however. Neither wanting to be the one to bring it up. It now with the potential visit to see a newborn, Mae wondered if it would bring things back up.

"How are you feeling?" Billie asked randomly, his eyes still shut, and face still partially buried in the pillow.

"Better. A lot better. I feel like I can actually move around now. The spotting as subsided a lot as well which is nice because that's fucking uncomfortable. I just can't wait until I can take a bath again. Like. soak myself." Mae chuckled.

"I've gotta look at flights today.." Billie dropped the bomb Mae knew was coming.

"I was just hoping if we didn't mention it, you didn't have to go anywhere."

"I know Babygirl. I hate it too." Billie Joe shifted and pulled Mae closer. They stayed like that for another 5 minutes or so. Both almost asleep once again. That was until Mae's phone went off again. She jumped up and grabbed it to see that Erica gave her the room number so they can go visit baby Cooper.


Mae lightly knocked on the hospital door that was already cracked open. When she heard Charlie tell them to come in, she tiptoed through the room, Billie Joe in tow.

"Ohhh my god look at him!" Mae whispered loudly.

"Congrats man!" Billie stepped over to Charlie and shook his hand. "Good to see you again!" He smiled.

"Yeah man, thanks! She did all the work!" Charlie pointed at Erica, who was still in her hospital bed.

"And don't you fucking forget it!" Erica chimed in.

"You can hold him, Mae!" Erica chuckled at Mae as she stood over the bed and simply gushed over the newborn. She walked over to the other side of Erica's bed and applied some hand sanitizer, and waved her hands around to dry them off quickly. This made Billie Joe laugh.

"Don't laugh at me ya ass!" Mae stuck her tongue out at her boyfriend before reaching down and scooping up baby Cooper. She instinctively began to gently bounce the baby in her arms and watched as the sleeping little human twitched every so often.

Something came over Billie as he saw his girlfriend holding a baby. with the tension of their latest argument still lingering in Mae's apartment, this moment seemed to virtually wipe it all away. He didn't think she could see it, but her maternal instincts were kicking in and showing! Charlie took notice of Billie Joe staring and leaned in closer, to be in Billie Joe's earshot.

"I know that look man. Look away.." he teased. Billie didn't say anything. But the noise caught Mae's attention.

"Babe come look how sweet he is!!" Mae finally sat down on the small padded bench. Billie stood and sat next to her.

"Wow look at all that hair!" He pointed out.

"That's all him!" Erica pointed at Charlie from the other side of the room.

"Do you wanna hold him?!" Mae looked at Billie. He almost hesitated but decided to take the newborn in his arms. It had been so long since he'd been around a small baby.

"My fucking ovaries are screaming. Oh my fucking god." Mae grabbed her phone and snapped some pictures of Billie Joe.

"Can I post this?" It was an open question to everyone in the room.

"I don't mind. My family knows he's here. They saw him last night." Erica chimed in. Billie didn't say anything, to which Mae took as a "yes". She posted the picture to her Instagram with just the caption of "omg".

Mae watched as her boyfriend interacted with the tiny newborn. He was staring at Cooper, smiling and occasionally using one finger to gently touch his small hands or his soft wispy hair.

"We need to get out of here before I combust." Mae finally spoke up, earning a chuckle from everyone in the room.

About 30 minutes later, Billie and Mae found their way back to her car to head home. There was a comfortable silence in the car as David Bowie played through the speakers.

"I was serious ya know .." Billie Joe finally spoke up. Mae only turned her head to look at him.

"I can see myself starting a family with you. Having a baby.." Billie only glanced over at Mae who was trying to hold back her own smile.

"Well good because after seeing you hold a newborn I seriously thought my ovaries were going to pop. You looked so fucking..hot." Mae breathed.

"I love it when you feed my old man ego!" Billie teased.

A/n: hey all! Thanks for all the love lately! I hope you're all safe and sane haha

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