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It was Thursday night. Meaning in 3 days, on Sunday, Billie would be flying back to California. Mae tried not to get too caught up in her emotions, but she knew it was going to be hard.

It had only been about 6 months into their relationship, but Billie was certain Mae was his soulmate. He was laying in bed as Mae took a shower, flipping through his camera roll on his phone. It was like he was reminiscing on their time together before he was even back home. He went through and marked a few specific photos s favorites, so he could find them easier later.

One was of Mae in the hospital bed. She was holding Billies' hand, fast asleep. The next was a screenshot of a FaceTime call. Mae had been going on and on about a puppy that someone was walking outside of the arena, and she was just so excited and giddy that Billie Joe had to capture the moment. There were a few of the two of them laying in Billie's bed in California. One of Mae waking down the street, and one of her sitting at dinner. But his favorite to this day was still the one he snapped of her as she was changing when she first arrived in California. She wasn't fully dressed, but it wasn't a sexual photo at all. You could see most of her beautiful full-color tattoos as she stood in her underwear. Her dark hard shining bright from the natural light of his bedroom. It was then he knew what he needed to next. He heard Mae's shower stop and clicked his phone off to wait.

She walked out wrapped in a towel and smiled at her boyfriend laying on her bed.

"How ya feelin?" He propped his head upon his hand and smiled back.

"Great. I feel great. Finally!" Billie could tell.

"That's wonderful baby girl." Mae could tell he was holding back on something.

"What are you planning?" She smirked as she walked over to her dresser to quickly put on her bralette and underwear. Billie knew he needed to spit it out.

"Move in with me. Fly out with me on Sunday." He smiled.

"You're joking right?" She barely cracked a smile.

"Maegan, I'm serious. Don't tell me you haven't considered it. You just looked like you were at home in California." He teased.

"B. I can't just leave work like that.." She trailed off. Billie Joe smiled.

"So you have thought about it." He reached out for her hand and pulled her to the edge of the bed. "Babe. You can't tell me you want to work in the arena forever. There are so many opportunities out there and you know it! I'm not asking you this solely for myself."

"Well you didn't ask at all to be fair.," she smirked.

"You know your dad would be happy for you.. and you could look into modeling agencies out the-" Mae pulled away and cut him off.

"B, that won't happen. While my dad might be happy for me. There's no way I would be able to support myself out there on what I have now."

Mae had always been semi-interested in modeling, but when it came to actually modeling, she clammed up and her confidence plummeted.

"That's not true and you know it. You have plenty of shoots that you can use and we can get more out there. And look, I know there's no way in hell you'd let me support you, but what if I let you move in rent-free until you get a job?" Billie traded, even tho he knew Mae wouldn't let him support her.

"Babe..." Mae smirked but quickly wiped it off. "...are you sure? You don't think it's too fast?" She practically whispered.

"Abso-fuckin-lutely not!" Billie slid off the bed and stood in front of Mae. "All you gotta do is walk into work tomorrow and tell them you're done! You know damn well they would tell you to leave if you tried to give any sort of notice, regardless of how long you've been there.." Billie was starting to get hopeful and Mae could hear it in his voice.

Mae stepped away from Billie to pull on a pair of pajama shorts and a T-shirt. She brushed her hair quickly and turned to look at her boyfriend who wouldn't stop watching her every move.

She sighed. "I guess we have to get packing don't we?" Billie ran over to Mae's spot in her room and spun her around as she wrapped her legs around his waist.

"Are you serious!?"

"Yes, I've gotten too damn used to having you around. I can't go back now. I'll go into work tomorrow and tell them I'm done and come back so we can find a moving company." She smiled as she pecked his lips before getting down from his arms.

She decided she would call Erica to keep her in the loop.

"Hey, everything okay?" Erica asked as she answered the phone.

"Yes, everything is just fine. I just have something to tell you." Mae paused. "I'm moving in with Billie Joe."

"Mae seriously?! I'm so happy for you. But god damn it I'm going to miss you"

"I know, Billie and i just made the decision. I had to call you. You'll have to come out when Cooper is bigger!"

The two friends talked for another hour before ending their call. Leaving her best friend behind was going to be harder than leaving her parents.


Mae walked into work immediately looking for her father. He wasn't in his office, however, he wasn't far away either, just down the hall.

"Dad! Hey, can we talk? In private?" Jason nodded and she walked into his office.

"I'm gonna be honest and quick here. I'm telling you this because I wanted to tell you before you heard it somewhere else..." She paused, expecting her father to say something. When he didn't, she continued. "Billie Joe goes home on Sunday.. and .. I'm gonna go with him. I'm going to move to California."

Jason's reaction was exactly what Mae assumes it would be. He sat back in his chair and linked his hands together behind his head. Something he's done for a very long time.

"Really? Does mom know?"

"Not yet. We decided last night."

"So what about your job?"

"Well, this is me saying I quit... I wanted you to know first."

Her father sighed. they'd always been close. Always. He knew this day would come. He knew the day Billie Joe Armstrong walked through the doors of his home all those months ago.

"I'm happy for you kiddo. Just be safe okay?" He smiled as his demeanor softened. Mae stood and walked around to the other side of his desk to hug her father.

"Thank you, dad. I'm really excited. And really nervous. But mostly excited." She chuckled as tears began to pool in her eyes. "I gotta go, I gotta find a moving company. And book a flight!"

"Just go. Go get what you need from your office and I'll send the rest eventually. I love You kiddo. Do me a solid and call your mother on your way home so she knows. Please? Tell her I'll call her when I can." Mae couldn't help the steady tears at this point. She was so grateful for her father.

"Thank you so much, dad. Oh my god!" She smiled once again before booking it to her office. She grabbed the 3 picture frames on her desk, one of her and Billie, her and her parents and her and her grandmother. The rest she could wait to get back from her dad.

She pulled out her phone to text Billie on her way out the door. "The deed has been done. Just gotta call mom." She couldn't believe this was happening.

A/n: hello!!! Please let me know what you think. I hope everyone is doing well! Im sorry the updates are so spread out. Life is just so hectic!

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