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Later in the day after Mae and Billie had eaten lunch, Mae decided to show him around the city some. Well, show him some places he probably wouldn't have come to know on his own.

She'd taken him to her favorite music store in DC, which is where she obtained most of her vinyl collection. As they browsed through the isles, Mae chuckled as she came across an album she probably wouldn't have taken notice to a month ago.

She picked it up, taking notice of the all-white cover with the outline of a cartoon girl holding a gun. She looked up at Billie who was an aisle over from her.

"Hey," Billie looked up at Mae. "Should I buy this one?" Mae looked at it quickly. "I heard these guys are worth looking into." She teased.

"Personally, it's one of my favorite albums." Billie quipped. He then quickly marched around the isle to stand with Mae. "But if I had to choose, I'd probably do this one." Billie handed her an album that just had a picture of an old boom box on fire.

"This is our most recent album. I'm pretty fucking proud of it." He smiled. Mae nodded and took it from his hands.

"I'll do that." She smiled. The browsed through the store for just a few more minutes before Mae made her way up to the counter to pay.

"Did you find everything alright?" The younger-looking man behind the counter asked.

"I did thanks. I just wanted to give their new album a chance." She smiled.

"Ahhh. Newest Green Day huh? It's alright. I wish they'd go back to their old ways. Before American idiot. They've become too mainstream these days." He shrugged as he placed the album into a bag.

"I mean they seem to be doing alright." She chuckled quickly. And as if on cue, Billie walked up behind Mae and placed his hand on her back.

"Not getting anything?" She turned to look at him.

"Nah. I don't wanna risk any of it being broken on the plane." She shrugged. Mae looked up at the cashier to grab her bag and noticed he had wide eyes, clearly because he realized who Billie was.

"Holy shit. It's so nice to meet you, man."

"Thanks, dude." Billie smiled as he shook the young man's hand. He asked for a quick picture, to which Billie didn't hesitate. They took the picture and Billie hook his hand one more time before walking out the door with Mae.

"That's so fucking funny. He was literally just saying how he wishes you guys would go back "to their old shit"," she used air quotes for the last half. "And then you walked up." Mae laughed.

"Eh. Can't please everyone." He shrugged as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "So what now?" Billie asked, and just then his phone began to ring. He pulled it from his back pocket to answer it.

"Hey what's up?" Mae tried not to listen to the conversation and focus on walking back towards her apartment.

"Nah I'm in DC for a few days. I'll be home Tuesday."

"I'm here visiting a, uh, friend." He chuckled grabbing Mae's attention.

"No you shit head- Yes I'm assuming it's her." Billie groaned playfully as he rolled his eyes.

"Yes, dear I'll be sure to let her know." He chuckled again.

"Alright see ya." And with that, he ended the call and slid his phone back into his pocket. Mae was looking at Billie with confusion all over her face. Mostly because she knew he was talking about her.

"What?- oh that was Adrienne. She was going to drop something off for me. Then she asked if I was with the girl I'm in the pictures with?" He shrugged. "So I'm assuming someone has pictures up somewhere." He groaned lightly.

"And what did she want me to know?" Mae asked.

"Oh, she wanted you to know that she thinks you're beautiful and just my type." Billie laughed. Mae couldn't help but be taken back a bit by his ex-wife's words.

"I'm telling you, sweetheart, she really wants to meet you." He laughed. "You'll have to come to my neck of the woods next time." He smiled as he tightened his grip around Mae's shoulder as they walked.

"I guess I'm just still getting used to the idea of someone and their ex-wife being such good friends. I feel like it's a foreign concept."

"Yeah, you're definitely right. I guess we just work well as friends considering all the shit we've been through." He shrugged. "But shit enough about that." He laughed. "I've been dying to know, how you became so high up at the arena?"

"Just dying to know huh?" Mae teased.

"Yes, you fucker. You just don't look like a typical person to sit being a computer all day. Or even an office."

"I hope that's a compliment.." Mae teased again.

"A very good compliment. You're much too sexy to be cooped up in an office all day. But that pencil skirt you wore last week when we face timed, holy shit-" Billie began to ramble.

"Cool it buster." Mae laughed as she squeezed his hand. "My dad had worked there since he was my age. He got me a part-time summer job in high school because I loved Music and everything. That kinda snowballed from there. That turned into me getting a full-time job and then doing odd jobs here and there and then I just made my way up to where I'm at. Which is basically the person your tour manager would get in touch with about booking a show." She smiled. Billie could tell she loved her job. She got excited about it. Which was great to see.

"Well, that's awesome. It's not every day you meet someone who loves their job." Billie smiled. "I mean aside from someone like me." He laughed.

"Yeah, it's definitely nice."

Mae and Billie finally made their way back to her apartment. Mae excused herself to run to the bathroom while Billie was looking around her living room. It was very her. She had a few pictures on the walls here and there. A small curio cabinet in the corner with little odds and ends inside. A few taxidermy pieces as well. Billie then stumbled upon a family picture she had on a shelf next to her TV. It was obviously her, and an older woman. If he had to assume, he figured it was her grandmother.

Over the last few weeks, Mae had expressed how much she loved her grandmother. From her own name to her memories, to even a tattoo she has. In the picture Mae was sitting on what looked like a park bench, next to the woman. She had her hands laced together with hers and her head leaning on her shoulder smiling. It was so genuine and so beautiful Billie thought. He eventually moved down the line to what appeared to be a family photo of her and her parents. Mae looked just like her mother. A spitting image.

"Snooping are we Mr. Armstrong?" Mae teased as she walked back into the living room.

"Not at all." He smiled coyly.

"So. I may have found the article that Adrienne was talking about, with our picture. It was taken thisfuckingmorning when we were walking to lunch. Like. That's fucking fast!" Mae rolled her eyes. She'd never been written about like this before. She'd never really been on the internet like this before either. Mae handed Billie her phone so he could investigate.

"Fucking Perez Hilton has it up already. Go fucking figure." Billie shook his head. "Well, at least they don't know your name yet. That'll keep you safe for a while." Billie handed her phone back. "Not that I'm personally keeping you a secret, I just didn't want you to have to be exposed to this bullshit right off the bat." Mae could tell Billie was getting frustrated. which probably meant he's dealt with some similar situations before.

"Hey. It comes with the territory right?" Mae flashed him a reassuring smile as she grabbed his hand. "Don't worry. I'll be okay." She smiles once again before she pressed her lips to his. Billie smiled against the kiss as he wrapped his arms around her middle.

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