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Billie instantly regretted storming out the way he did. But there was no real point in him going back. He'd already left, and the damage was done.. for now. He decided to give Mae some space. She'd been through so much in the last few days, that it was for the best. Even if he wished she could be with him.

He tipped his Uber driver and walked to the side door of the venue. He was lucky he had his sunglasses clipped to his shirt, along with a jacket already on. He flung his hood up just in time. He didn't hate getting recognized, it just wasn't the best time for that.

After showing the bouncer his ID and giving his son's name, he walked in and immediately started to look for the green room. Knowing it had to be somewhere in the back, he walked towards the stage.

"Dad?" Billie halted in his tracks and turned to the sound of the voice calling out.

"Hey, Jake." Billie smiled.

"I'm glad you made it!" He looked around with a huge smile. "Wheres Mae?"

"oh, she's still home. She uh, won't make it. She really wanted to be here, but she still doesn't feel too good." Billie could only hope his son could see through the lie there. Jake only expressed that he was bummed she couldn't be here and moved on with the conversation.

He watched his son do their soundcheck and began to assist when needed. He was never afraid to give help when it was asked for. He was helping Jake set up his mic stand when he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. He pulled it out to see Adrienne was calling.

"Hey, dude, Mom's calling. I'll be right back." Jakob only nodded and went back to what he was doing.

"Hey 80, what's up?" He walked to one of the bar stools off to the side of the venue and sat down for a moment.

"I was just calling to see how Mae was. I haven't heard from either of you, and neither of you have posted on Instagram in days! You're fuckin killin' me here!" She chuckled on the other end.

"She's good. Feeling better, much better really." He sighed.

"Spill it, what the hell happened now?" He hated that she knew him so well sometimes.

"Goddamnit, okay let me walk outside, I don't need Jake to hear this conversation..." Billie swiftly walked to a side door and leaned against the wall. "So, Mae kind of exploded tonight. She was going on and on about how she basically assumed that I was done having kids and that maybe we aren't going to work because I'm older, and she's always wanted, kids. It was something that never came up but probably should have when ya know, we started having sex... that's what we tell the fucking kids man.. god I blow myself away sometimes." Billie stopped to catch his breath, and let his ex-wife chime in.

"SO, in true BJ fashion, you got way too ahead of yourself and stormed out because she brought up something that you didn't think to do in the first place." She quipped.

"Yea, basically.." Billie threw his head back and looked up at the sky. "I wanted to turn around the second I walked out the door Adrienne, but I knew that it's probably best if we just take some time alone after that."

"now that's one of the smartest things I've heard you say in a long time." She teased. Billie just huffed to himself.

"So, do you want another one?" Billie was silent. With everything that had just gone down, he still didn't know.

"Fuck man, I have no clue. Like, yes, I'd love to, but I'm already past 40 ... I'll be well into my 60's by the time they graduate.. and I'll just be an old dad..."

"Billie Joe Armstrong, you are not going to be olddd" She mocked his tone. "You have more stamina and energy than your 21-year-old son does half the time... I know you. You love this girl. I can see it. And trust me, she loves you. I don't see anything wrong with having another child at Bill. Plenty of people do it and everything is fine.."

Billie just sighed once again. "Thanks 80... I appreciate that." She could hear the smile in his voice.

"Now, if I were you, I'd take your happy ass back, and stop and get her something she likes on the way home. Walk in the door, and tell her you're sorry and that you love her, and that everything is going to be okay."

"Got it, boss." Billie laughed.

"Kay, good. Bye," She ended the call without letting him say another word. Billie grinned as he slid his phone into his back pocket and made his way back into the venue to find his son. Which was not hard.

"Hey Jake, I gotta head back bud. Mae isn't feeling too good." Billie scratched the back of his head.

"It's okay dad, I heard a bit of your conversation with mom... Just go." He smiled at his dad. "Thanks for stopping by."

Billie pulled his son into a silent hug, before grabbing his phone to get another Uber back. That came in no time, and luckily he realized it was still early enough to stop by her favorite coffee shop first.

He rushed inside and ordered her favorite vanilla something or other, luckily the nice old lady that owns it was there, and he was able to explain who he was ordering for. He grabbed her drink and a blueberry muffin and made the short trip a few blocks down.

He used his key to open the apartment door and found Mae laying on the couch. The guilt set in, knowing she was probably in pain and decided to just crash on the couch.

Billie sat on the coffee table and rubbed her arm to get her to wake up slowly.

"Babygirl. I'm home.." he spoke softly as she began to slowly open her eyes.

"What time is it?"

"It's only.." Billie turned to look at the time displayed on the cable box behind him. "..seven thirtyish."

"What are you doing here. I thought you went to Jake's show?" Mae crossed her arms softly as she sat up on the couch.

"Well, I changed my mind. And brought you something." Billie flashed his most sympathetic smile as he passed the warm paper cup and brown bag over to Mae. She gave a weak grin as she took the items, knowing exactly what they were already.

"And look. I'm sorry i stormed out like a fucking dill hole. That was shitty of me.." Billie moves to the couch and faced Mae, placing his hand on her leg.

"But I love you so fucking much Maegan like it's scary." He chuckled. "Truthfully, I haven't felt a love like this since Adrienne and I met. You mean the absolute fucking world to me, and after giving it some time to process in my brain, I'm not against having another child at all. Nothing about my life is normal.. so what difference does this make." He chuckled.

"Jesus Christ. I really hope you're not just saying this so we don't break up." Mae had to throw that out there for him; for herself.

"Absolutely not sweetheart. Look, I'm not saying now, or next month when you're better, but eventually.." he smiled as he tucked a loose hair of Mae's behind her ear.

"I love You too ya know." Mae smiled. Billie only nodded his head.

"I know." He smiled and gave her leg and gentle squeeze.

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