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A little over a week after Mae had come home from California, she was already back into her normal routine. Luckily she didn't come back to everything on fire like she was expecting.

Things with Billie Joe were just as good as the day she left, or the day before even. Their relationship was finally becoming more normal and routine rather than the cheesy honeymoon stage, even though she was just as happy and giddy as she was in the beginning.

On the last day or so, she noticed a dull pain in her lower abdomen but chalked it up to her period coming soon. She -reluctantly- got ready for work and tried her best to push the thoughts to the back of her mind.

All was going well until about lunchtime that she felt the pain again, but it was stronger. She decided to call Billie Joe as a distraction.

"Hey, sweetheart." He smiled

"Hey, what are you up to?"

He turned his camera around to reveal that he was in fact still in bed. He flipped it back around and nestled back into his pillows. "I wish you were here." He mumbled.

"Me too lazy bones. You're never in bed this late!" Mae laughed.

"I know. We had a super long practice last night, so I'm fuckin Beat... you okay?" He was already so good at reading Mae and her moods. He could tell something wasn't right.

"Yeah, I've just been getting these weird stomach pains."

"Why don't you go to the doctor babe? That could be a lot of different things." Mae nodded her head.

"I'm thinking about it. They come and go. I just don't wanna go to the doctor just because I have to shit or something." She chuckled.

"That's my girl." Billie teased. He absolutely loved that Mae was comfortable around him. He'd been with and met plenty of women that still tiptoed around farting and pooping. Mae wasn't shy about either and he found that to be another very attractive quality of hers. "Well just consider it okay?" He had her a half-smile.

"I will Babe. I gotta get back to work, but I'll let you know what's going on." She smiled down at the phone. "Love you."

"Love you too sweetheart."

Mae worked for about another hour before she decided she couldn't do it anymore. The pains were still pretty far apart, but becoming stronger it seemed. She put her out of office on her email and made her way home. She was texting Erica to let her know what was going on. And while Erica insisted on helping her friend, Mae shot her down as quickly as possible. Erica was on bed rest because she was about to pop. Even Charlie was staying home from work because she was due to go I to Labor any day now.

Once at home, she tried to distract herself. She tried to watch tv but it only worked for so long. She ran herself a nice bath, and that helped a lot until the water got cold. She rolled her eyes as she sat on her bed in a towel. She knew she needed to go to the doctor.

She got dressed in a pair of black leggings, pair of vans and one of the t-shirts she jacked from Billie joe before she left. She made sure she had her wallet and purse and dragged herself out the door.

"I'm heading to the doctor babe. They're getting worse." Mae sent Billie a quick text and shoved her phone in her purse as she caught a taxi. 10 minutes later she was at the hospital.


After waiting for only about 30 minutes, and having some quick blood drawn and a urine sample, they took Mae back to a room so they could do an ultrasound. They wanted to see her insides basically.

The nurse put a paper towel in the front of Mae's pants and applied a small amount of cold jelly to her stomach before flipping the machine on and gently pressing the wand to her belly.

The doctor didn't say a word as she looked around at the monitors that Mae couldn't see. She was starting to get a little nervous.

"So Ms. Starr, are you on birth control?" She finally spoke up as she cleaned up Mae's belly.

"Well no, not at the moment. I had Some bad luck with the last pill I was on." The nurse nodded her head.

"Well, we want to run another test, but judging by this, you're about 2 weeks pregnant. The pain you are feeling is the embryo is stuck in your fallopian tube. This is resulting in an ectopic pregnancy. Or so it appears. We're going to run some more tests just to be sure." Mae felt like she had been hit by a truck. She was not expecting to hear those words come out of the nurse's mouth at all.

"So I'm going to take you back to triage, and Dr. Hanes will come to see you and give you some more information." Mae was happy to hear that, cause she didn't get much information at all so far. She walked back to her .. bed and waited. As she waited for the doctor, she called Billie Joe once again.

"Hi, baby." He answered almost immediately.

"Hi. I'm at the ER. Just waiting for the doctor to come in. Which I hope Is soon."

"What did they say?" It was this exact moment that Mae and Billie Joe had never talked about kids. They barely talked about if Mae was on birth control or anything. Sex wasn't the biggest factor in their relationship, which she was so proud of, but this was something that should have been talked about. Especially with their age gap.

"Well. She said I'm about 2 weeks pregnant." She spit it out and left it on the table for Billie to process.

"Mmm. Well then.." he was pretty quiet. "Is that why you're in pain?"

"Well no, they think the embryo is stuck in my Fallopian tube."

"Shit babe." Billie didn't know what to think at the moment.

"Look, Billie." She paused. "We never talked about.. this situation. You already have 2 kids of your own. I should have been birth control-"

"Woah. Stop it." Billie cut her off and actually seemed pretty ticked off. Rightfully so.

"Look. We're both adults here. Yes, there's an age difference.. yes I have two grown kids, but that wouldn't stop me from being there no matter what. I love you, I've made that pretty clear. I'm not going anywhere Maegan.. once you're better, we'll have a more in-depth conversation about this. But for now, we'll take it one step at a time okay?"

Just as Mae was about to open her mouth, the doctor knocked on the door and let himself in.

"Hi, Maegan. I'm doctor Hanes. I have some results for you."

"Okay, my boyfriend is on the phone, I hope that's alright."

"Of course. I'll just jump right in then. After looking at the tests and sonograms, we have determined that you do in fact have an ectopic pregnancy. We don't know how this happens, but this means the egg has begun its process in your Fallopian tube rather than the uterus." The doctor paused, he could see the confusion written on her face. "We like to think that this is your body's way of telling you that something was wrong with the embryo."

"I have a quick question. Does this mean the pregnancy won't ... last?" Her voice was weak and scared.

"Unfortunately, it will not. There isn't a way for everything to continue as it should in your Fallopian tube. We do want to run another test because it looks like the embryo might have latches to your tube. This could potentially require surgery."

Mae spoke up again. "With surgery, would I still be able to have children?" Even though she and Billie hadn't talked about it, she knew she wanted to have children of her own. This could potentially make or break that entire outcome.

"Well, there is a good chance you still could, but before I give a legitimate answer, I would like to run these tests." He closed his laptop and stood up from the small stool in the front of the room.

"I will send a nurse in shortly to get those started." Mae nodded her head as he walked out the door.

"Babe. I'm buying the first flight to DC. It should only be a few hours. I love you so much, and I'll see you as soon as possible." And, he hung up, not giving Mae the chance to say otherwise.

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