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The more time that Mae spent with Billie, the more she realized she didn't want him to leave. She was trying so hard not to rush into anything that it was almost like she felt the need to go against her own word. She was at a constant battle with her self.

She personally wasn't worried about the whole 'paparazzi' situation, if that's even what it can be called at this point. She wasn't worried about things being public. She and Billie had pretty much formed a relationship in the last few weeks as it was, it being public wasn't much of a big deal to her. But she knew how it looked on his behalf. Dating a woman half his age when he's got a son who's only a few years younger. Yeah, it can't look good.

Billie kept mentioning how his ex-wife wanted to meet her. But she couldn't help but wonder if she knew how old she was. She wasn't sure if that was going to change Adrienne's already small opinion of her, but she didn't want to dwell on it. She wanted to focus on the now, while she had Billie to herself.

They had been lounging around for the remainder of the day. Both of them in a comfortable silence watching terrible horror movies all afternoon into the early evening. That was until Mae's phone began to buzz from her hoodie pocket. She pulled it out to reveal Erica calling.

"Hey, Erica what's up?"

"Nothing at all. Charlie and I are hungry. We're gonna go grab some dinner and wanted to extend the invite." It was then that she failed to mention to her best friend that Billie had been in town.

"Oh, well that sounds great. I'm getting pretty hungry. Just let me see something real quick. " Erica mumbled something along the lines of An "ok " as Mae put the phone on mute to turn to Billie to ask if he wanted to grab dinner. Billie agreed and Mae turned back to the phone.

"Erica? Hey, so where and when?" Mae smiled. After learning they were going somewhere about 15 minutes away, Mae stood up and quickly changed into something a bit less casual than her leggings.

"Two outfit changes in a day huh?" Billie teased as he slowly stood from the couch and walked to her cracked doorway.

"Boy, you better not!" Mae warned as she heard Billie get closer. Once she was done putting real pants on and a different shirt, she opened her door for Billie once again.

"I didn't tell Erica you were here. Not like she cares, she really likes you, it'll just be funny to see her reaction" Mae smiled as she swiped some lipstick on quickly.

"Why waste the time on lipstick if it's just gonna get smudged off later?" Billie teased as he stepped behind Mae, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Mae smirked at Billie through the mirror she was using. "Lucky for me, this is long wear. It's not coming off till I tell It too." Mae smiled playfully.

"You're fucking killing me, woman. Damn it!" Billie laughed as they walked out the door.


Mae actually drove her car for once. She really only had to use her car about once or twice a week. Billie, of course, made a smart ass remark about how he was shocked that Mae had a car in the first place.

In the car, Mae let Billie use the aux cord, which he was planning on using anyway. Shortly after the familiar sounds of Rancid began playing through her speakers.

"Echoes of reggae comin' through my bedroom wall
havin' a party up next door but I'm sittin here all alone
two lovers in the bedroom and the other starts to shout
all I got is this blank stare and that don't carry no clout at all

Destination unknown
Ruby ruby ruby Ruby Soho"

Mae sang every word with such excitement that it actually shocked Billie. He wasn't expecting her to know the song at all. It only turned Billie on more.

"well Shit. You're a Rancid fan?" Billie chuckled as he turned the volume down slightly."

Mae nodded her head and smiled. "They're great! As cliche as it is, "And Out Come the Wolves" is one of my favorite albums like, ever" Mae smiled.

"I'll have to introduce you to Tim then. He's a good friend of mine. Had I not already been in a band, they wanted me to join Rancid because they really needed a guitarist." Billie spoke. "They're from the Bay Area as well."

Mae smiled at Billie. "I guess I'll have to fly out to your side eventually then."

Only a few moments later they arrived at the restaurant. Billie looked at Mae and grinned as he put his beanie on before stepping out of the car. He didn't want to look rude by trying to hide himself slightly, but he was hoping that Mae would understand. She gave him a knowing smile and joined his side as they walked inside to meet Erica.

"Wait a goddamn minute. When did you get here?!" Erica laughed. Mae told Erica to hold on a second while she turned to Charlie

"Hey, Charlie!" She gave him a quick hug and turned back to Billie. "This is Billie." Charlie shook his hand quickly. She was silently hoping that Erica spilled the beans to her fiancé already, knowing that Charlie is a big music fan so she assumed he knew who Billie was.

"Hey man. It's awesome to meet you!" Charlie spoke enthusiastically but didn't go any further.

"You too man, congrats on that," Billie joked as he pointed to Erica's growing belly. Charlie thanked him once again as the hostess said their table was ready.

As the night went on, Billie, Charlie, and Mae had a beer each as they teased Erica about not being able to have one. Mae felt a hand on her thigh as they sat next to one another in the booth. She reached her hand down and locked her fingers with his.

It was only a moment later that her phone began to ring, her screen showing that it was her father calling.

"Guys I'll be right back." She excused herself as she walked towards the front of the restaurant an answered the phone

"Hey, dad what's up?"

"Hey, kid. Well, we actually wanted to call because your mom said last she checked you weren't seeing anyone," She heard the amusement in her father's voice. "You know how mom is, always reading the gossip. Well, she came across an article that had a picture of you and Mr. Green Day." He spoke in a knowing tone.

"Yeah. We met when they were in down last." Mae tried not to sound as annoyed as she was.

"Look. I'm happy that you're seeing someone. Just please be careful okay? How old is he anyway?"

"I'm not sure why that matters.."

"Alright, fine Mae I'll drop it. Just know your mother is waiting for you to call her about this.." her father trailed off. Almost like he was waiting for Mae to say something.

"I gotta go, dad. We're actually out to eat with Erica now.."

"So he is in town. Well, bring him by. We'd love to meet him.."

"I'll think about it. Bye, dad." Mae didn't wait for a response before hanging up the phone.

As she walked back to the table, Erica immediately questioned her. "Who was that? You didn't look pleased,"

"Just my dad," Mae glanced at Billie who was currently mid-bite of his burger. "He saw the picture. He suggested I bring you over." Mae shrugged and rolled her eyes. Billie nodded slowly.

"Well then. That'll be fun then," He chuckled as he placed his hand on Mae's with a reassuring smile. "It'll be fine sweetheart."

"Seriously! Your parents are chill as fuck!" This time Charlie spoke up.

"Yeah that's cause y'all aren't her real kids," Mae chuckled. "I'll think about it. Maybe we can go tomorrow."

"Whatever you wanna do," Billie stated

Mae over dramatically pretended to put a gun into her mouth and pull the trigger as she flopped onto billies' shoulder with her mouth hanging open. Billie only shook his head and chuckled before placing a quick kiss on the top of her head.

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