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The night before Mae's arrival was finally here. Billie Joe Armstrong found himself nervous over a girl. He chuckled at the thought. Anytime he thought about getting excited, he thought about Joey. About how he was going to react. He hadn't really had the chance to talk to them about Mae just yet. But he was almost positive they'd seen the pictures online.

Because both of his sons were now touring musicians themselves, it was hard to get everyone together. But luckily both Joey and Jakob were in town and Billie was able to get them to meet for dinner so they could talk.

"I can't wait until tomorrow!" A text came in on Billies' phone, bringing a smile to his lips as he waited at a local restaurant for his boys.

"cant wait!" was all he said back.

"Having fun?" A voice brought Billie's attention away from his phone. He looked up to see his youngest, Jakob, pulling a chair out to sit with his father.

"Hey, kid. How are you?" Billie smiled.

"Good. Getting ready for tour. Ya know. Same old shit." He chuckled. "Joey shouldn't be far. I was just talking to him."

Billie nodded and aimlessly looked at his menu. But truth be told, he couldn't focus on any of the words. Which he knew was pathetic.

"Hey, guys." Joey finally walked up to the table and sat next to his dad.

"Hey, bud. How's it goin?" Billie smiled

"Been busy recording and practicing and all. I think we're trying to set up some local shows before we hit the road again."

Billie couldn't express how proud of his kids he was. They were such amazing boys and they decided to follow in his footsteps with their music. He would have been just as excited had they joined the army or became a lawyer, but he was pretty fucking excited they kept the musical legacy going.

"So what's up dad?" Jakob finally broke the ice. He was interrupted by the waiter finally coming to take their drink orders. After a round of waters, they were left alone again.

"I Just Wanted to talk to you about my .. girlfriend. Maeg- Mae."

"We thought we'd seen some stuff floating around about a girl. We know how you can be." Joey was actually the one to laugh this time, catching Billie by surprise.

"Yeah, we met while I was in DC. She's super down to earth I think you guys would really like her."

"That's awesome dad!" Jakob smiled.

"Thanks, bud. She arrives tomorrow morning. She'll be here for a week I think." His sons nodded their heads as they sipped on their waters.

"So what does she do?" Joey spoke up again.

"She works for the capital one arena. The venue we played in DC. I think she helps with booking and all. All I know Is she's forever fucking working," he chuckled.

"How old is she? Do you have a picture of her?" Jakob questioned again.

"Yeah hold on!" He grabbed his phone and went to her Instagram, knowing there wouldn't be anything they shouldn't see on there.

"Damn dad she definitely seems like your type." Jakob teased before passing the phone to his brother.

"Way to go, dad!" Joey laughed. He slid the phone back to his dad. Billie was hoping they would just kinda dodge the age question since he kinda slid it under the rug.

"How old is she? She looks like she's in great shape." Joey asked.

"She's uh. Well, she's 26.." Billie trailed off.

"Jesus. Seriously??" Joey tried his hardest not to look so.. confused.

"I had no idea she was so young when I met Her. She's so level headed and so hardworking that she seems so much older. She's great man." Billie tried to reason with his oldest, but he wasn't going to push.

"It's just weird dad. You realize I'm 21 right?... like. I don't Know. I'm happy for you, but it's just so weird to me that she's only a few years older than me."

"Well, I hope you can move past it. I really want you guys to meet her. She met mom- well she got to video chat with her the other day, and mom approved, so that's saying something." Billie flashed a half-smile.

"Mom is a saint dad that's not fair." Jakob laughed.

"Ok well, maybe you're right about that one. But still." He looked at Joey. "Just, think about it, Kay?" And that's all Billie had to say. They didn't bring it up for the rest of their meal. They chatted about your and rehearsals for all three bands. They talked about family matters and music-related topics. He absolutely loved having his boys together. He just hoped that Joey would come around, even though the whole conversation went much better than anticipated.


Me was fucking exhausted. She'd been up since the ass crack of dawn to make her flight that landed at 9 am in sunny San Diego after a layover in Denver. She was standing in baggage claim staring aimlessly at the belt as it spun around waiting for it to reveal her suitcase.

"Ma'am I think you dropped this," a voice sounded from behind her, bringing her from her trance. She turned quickly,
A smile instantly forming on her lips.

"Hi!" She jumped instantly and wrapped her arms around his neck as Billie stood behind her.

"Hi, you!" Billie kissed the side of her head before she pulled away to kiss his lips.

"God I'm so happy to see you! I'm so fucking exhausted!" She chuckled.

"Now you know how I felt. Except You weren't on a red-eye," He laughed.

"Hey now, that was allll you Mr." Mae smiled as she turned just in time to see her purple suitcase coming by on the belt. She grabbed in and used all her strength to pull it from the belt and onto its wheels.

"I might have overpacked .. a bit." She laughed as Billie stepped in and took the handle in one hand and her hand in the other so he could lead her to his car.

"I can't wait to show you around! Everyone is dying to see you!" Billie exclaimed.

"That's great and all, but I wanna Just lay down for a little bit and then change. Can we do that?" Mae asked playfully.

"Whatever you want sweetheart. This is your vacation isn't it?"

Fell for You  || Billie Joe Armstrong Where stories live. Discover now