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Three days after Billie arrived back in DC, Mae was finally home and recovering. The doctors were able to remove the entire Fallopian tube and felt confident that she would be able to conceive later down the road.

Billie had been waiting on Mae hand and foot. And while she hated it, she was so grateful. She was able to move around her apartment slowly, but only for small periods of time. Mae was currently laying on the couch watching a random movie she found on Netflix when Billie heard a knock at the door. Mae shifted and looked up, but gave up when she saw Billie already walking to the door.

Billie opened the door to see his youngest son standing in front of him. "Jakob, what the fuck are you doing here?" Billie Joe chuckled as he pulled his son in for a hug. "Wait, how did you get here?"

"Mom" Jakob laughed and shrugged his shoulders. "She sent flowers, and I snagged the address from her. Well, I got it out of her. We're on tour remember!?" He punched his dad lightly.

Billie brought Jakob inside and walked him to where Mae was. She lit up when she saw who walked in and, as quickly as she could, she got up to give him a hug. "Hey, kid! What are you doing here?!"

"Well, our show is tonight. I had to take a minute to come see you guys." Jake reached into the bookbag he was carrying and pulled something out to give to Mae.

"These are passes to my show tonight. It's nothing fancy, and I know you're still recovering, but I had to at least bring them by for you."

"Dude that's so nice." Billie Joe spoke up before Mae could.

"Jake, you are so fucking sweet. Thank you!!" Mae pulled him into another quick hug. "I'm not sure if I'll make it, but still, this is so sweet." Mae smiles. Billie wrapped his arm around Mae's shoulders and kissed her head.

"Ya know, you did alright with this one." Mae playfully looked at Billie Joe.

"Look, we tried okay. Luckily we had one already so we kinda knew what we were doing when this one came around." Billie laughed.

"Well I do gotta get back, gotta get ready for soundcheck and all." Jake sounded like he didn't want to leave, but his dad understood.

"Alright kid, thanks for these. I can't promise we will be there, but we really appreciate it." Billie pulled his son in for a hug.

"I'll even keep a chair backstage with your name on it, just in case!" Jake laughed and he pulled Mae in for a gentle hug. "Love you guys. I'll talk to you later."

Mae watched as Billie walked him outside, and wanted to cry. His son genuinely liked Mae, and she was so overwhelmed by it. It also brought up all the feelings she had days ago when she realized they'd never talked about kids.

Mae knew she wanted a child of her own someday. Billie came along, and now she knows she wants to spend her life with him. This meant that she was about to have a very serious conversation.

Not even 5 minutes later, Billie Joe came back into the apartment and smiled at Mae. "That fuckin kid dude. He's.. he's one of a fuckin kind." He grinned. Mae smiled and nodded her head in agreement.

"Okay. Spill it." Billie sighed as he walked over to where Mae sat on the couch.

She sighed and turned off the TV before turning slightly to look at her boyfriend. "It's this whole situation B. I've always wanted kids. It's just something we've never talked about. And me being so god damn naive, it never crossed my mind that you ... " Mae stopped herself. Billie knew what was coming and tried as hard as he could to not get pissed off.

"What Mae?" He pushed. "I'm what?"

"God damn it. Now, this is getting all twisted!" She closed her eyes.

"Yes, Maegan. I'm older than you. But that means jack shit you hear me."

"So you're telling me that since your oldest son is now 21 years old, you've thought that you could potentially want another one?" She snapped. "You can sit there and tell me that you have thought that having kids 18 years apart would be ideal for you?"

Billie didn't say anything. Cause she's right. He hadn't. He assumed he was done having kids. It never even crossed his mind until the word "pregnancy" came up in the last few days.

"Mae, what are you getting at?" He was exhausted. This conversation, her surgery, just all of it was so exhausting.

She scoffed at his tone. "Well, Billie I'm saying that maybe we're in two different wavelengths. I want kids and you don't...." She closed her eyes again, but only because she felt the tears. "Maybe this won't work out after all.." She gasped slightly, letting a small sob out.

"Wow. Well. Fuck me then right. I don't get a fucking say in this at all do I?" Billie stood up. "That's it? You just assume that I don't want to have kids?!" He put his hands on the back of the couch.

"That's not wh-"

"but it is what you said! You just made my fucking mind up for me!.." Billie locked his hands on the top of his head and sighed. He was done with this conversation.

"I'm gonna go see Jake. I'll be back later." He grabbed his phone off the coffee table and walked out the door not even giving her a passing glance. Mae sobbed again. She didn't know what was happening. she wasn't in a state to feel this way. She was officially alone, and she didn't know where the fate of her relationship stood.

A/n: I forgot how dramatic this chapter was back when i wrote it. Thanks for the love guys! Keep it coming with the comments and likes!!! 🖤

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