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The next few days in Oakland went by way too fast, for both Mae's and Billie's liking. Billie had taken Mae all over town to show her all his favorite spots; New and old.

Billie did have to run to a band meeting with Tre and Mike, however. Not wanting to bore Mae to death, he insisted on her staying home.

"I'll be back in a few hours and we can go grab dinner." Billie smiled as he gripped Mae's elbows. Her hands were snakes around his waist as she was saying goodbye.

"Fineee." She teased as she placed a kiss on his lips. "I'll catch up on some work." She smiled as she stepped back.

"By babe. I'll text you soon!" And before she could even respond, he was gone. She wandered back Into the living room where her laptop was sitting on the coffee table.

She plopped on the couch and opened it up. Fully prepared to jump into the emails that she knew were overflowing. The most recent email, however, caught her eye. The subject line read "you might wanna see this." She didn't recognize the name of the sender or the email address.

When she opened the email, there was only a link. She was generally smart enough to tell when something belonged in spam.. but this one seemed legitimate.

She clicked the link and it instantly opened some blog or cheesy news site. After scrolling, she found the headline in bright red lettering. "Who is Billie Joe hanging around with?" Mae's stomach lurched. She knew what was coming.

She knew she shouldn't, but she kept scrolling. She eventually found pictures of Billie with his arm around a blonde woman that wasn't Britney. They looked pretty friendly. She kept scrolling. There was another with Billie leaning into her like he was telling her a secret. The final picture shows them walking out of the bar arm in arm. She looked frantically for the date that she knew would be listed somewhere. Just hoping it would be a few years old.

It wasn't. It was dated April 29th. Only days before she flew out. She didn't know what to think. She certainly didn't want to overreact. But she wanted to talk to Billie and she couldn't.

She stood up and walked outside to patio outback. Hoping the fresh air and decent view would help clear her head.


Billie wasn't gone long. He made sure to cut the meeting short and cut as many corners as he could. The band members knew he was just excited because his girlfriend was in town, and they'd tried to move the meeting, it just couldn't be done due to conflicting schedules.

Billie tapped out a quick message to let Mae know he'd be home in 10 minutes or so. She read it almost instantly but didn't reply. He didn't really think anything of it. He assumed she was still working.

When he got home she wasn't in the living room with her laptop. As he walked by though, the screen caught his attention. He squinted and bent down to get a better look.

"Son of a mother fucking bitch." He spat out loud. He groaned and let his head fall back.

"Mae? Are you here baby?" He called out. Nothing. He knew what it looked like. He knew what she was thinking.

He walked upstairs. "Maegan?" He called out once again. He found her finally sitting on the edge of his bed on her phone.

"Babe, can we talk about this? I swear to Christ Mae it's not what it looks like.." His voice broke when he saw how upset she'd been.

"Really. Cause I sure as hell know what it looks like Billie. This was only days before I landed here!" She knew she needed to calm down and breathe. But the more she kept talking, the more fired up she became.

"Please, let me just explain.."

"Yes please do." She spat back, her voice dripping with venom.

"Look Mae just calm down... she's a friend of Mine and Adrienne's. In fact, she's kind of like an aunt to my kids." Billie paused.

"So that's why it looked like y'all were hanging all over one another and left the bar together?"

"No Maegan. I took her out to her favorite bar for a drink. We were just catching up."

Mae didn't look at him. She couldn't. She wanted to believe him with every fiber of her being. But she couldn't. This happened to her before. She trusted someone and they fucked her over so hard. She swore she'd never let it happen again and here she was.

Billie began to walk towards Mae, reaching a hand out for her.

"Don't!" She snapped.

Billie was floored by the way she was acting. He had held his composure the whole time, until now. He broke.

"You know what Maegan. If you're gonna act like a fucking child, then so be it. Come fucking find me when you're ready to act like an adult instead of some jealous fucking teenager." And he turned around, slamming his bedroom door behind him.

Mae sat there shocked and staring at the door. Trying to apologize to him via her mind. The tears finally fell after a sold 45 seconds and nothing happened.

What was she supposed to do?

Fell for You  || Billie Joe Armstrong Where stories live. Discover now