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The morning came way faster than Mae wanted it to. She didn't bother setting her alarm for today so she groaned as she stretched when her body decided to wake her up. Mae had decided last night that she would be lucky if she went in at all day.

She looked at her phone on her table to see that it was just after 9 am. Mae knew she needed a shower. But the will power to get up just wasn't there. Her phone began buzzing on her nightstand making her jump. She looked at the screen to see her friend Erica calling. She also tried to push the tiniest bit of disappointment into the back of her head.

"Hey, Erica."

"Mae!- Wait I wasn't expecting you to answer. Why aren't you at work?" She laughed. Mae couldn't help but smile.

"I don't think I'm going in. I never take off and I was out late last night."

"Oooooo what -or who were you doing?!"

"I was actually at work, the Green Day concert." Mae tried to make it sound like She didn't have all that much fun. She knew that if she even mentioned hanging out with Billie, she would never hear the end of it from Erica, who is constantly trying to pair her up with someone.

"Ah lame. I mean Green Day, that's cool. But Work." She blew a raspberry into the phone. "But anyway. I was gonna tell you to come meet me for lunch today, but if you're off, come love me! I'm off today too. I had a doctor's appointment."

"Let me get dressed and all and I'll call you. Let's get coffee. Please."

Erica laughed but agreed. Mae hung up the phone and jumped straight into the shower. She instantly felt better and less grody. After getting dressed and throwing on some simple makeup, she decided to let her naturally straight hair air dry. She called Erica and they decided to meet at the coffee shop down the street.

Mae stood in her doorway making sure she had all of her things before leaving this time. A few minutes later she was walking into the coffee shop waving to Erica who was sitting on the other side of the room. She ordered her usual and sat down with a dramatic exhale.

"Man I'm too old to be staying up that late." Mae laughed.

"Please, how late were you out? 10?" Erica shorted a laugh before sipping her coffee. "I'm sure I stay out later than you do and I'm 6 months pregnant."

"It was 11 thank you. I was hanging out with some. Uh, friends." Mae didn't mean to pause. But she did and she knew Erica would catch onto it.

"Wait who are you, friends, with that I  don't know about?!" Erica teased. Erica had been one of Mae's best friends for years now. Practically right out of high school. They typically do everything together. But now that Erica is pregnant, and Mae is just a flat out workaholic, they don't see one another nearly as much.

"So how'd the doctor's appointment go?! My little bean doing alright?" Mae tried to change the subject.

"No. Don't do this. Who were you hanging out with?!"

Mae groaned as she pushed a few strands of hair from her face. "Ugh. If you must know. I met the guys from Green Day yesterday, so I was just with them. Watching their show and all. That's it." At least she didn't have to lie.

"Wait you hung out with Green Day and didn't fucking call me?!" Erica exclaimed.

"This is why." Mae teased as she took a long sip of her now finally cooled down coffee.

"Shut up, I'm not that bad! But that's a big deal!" She teased.

Mae felt her phone vibrate from inside her hoodie pocket. She pulled it out and saw Billies name on the screen. She tried to fight the stupid grin that wanted to appear on her lips.

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