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Mae's Friday was the same old routine. She went to work. Did her thing. Came home. Erica actually came over Friday night and hung out for a bit. They watched a movie and ate too much junk food.

Saturday morning rolled around though, and she was rudely woken up by the buzzer in her apartment going off.

"What that fuckkkk!" Mae groaned as she rolled out of bed and quickly padded over to the speaker.

"What?" She barked as she glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 7:30 am. Way earlier than she intended on being up on a Saturday.

"Hey Maegan, you've gotta package down here. They need you to sign for it I guess." The young office kid who she never remember the name of spoke back to her and she rolled her eyes as he said her name.

"A package at 7:30? What the- alright. I'll be right down." She groaned once again and threw the hoodie on that was hanging on the hook by the door. She had no idea what the hell kind of package was there, as she hadn't ordered anything.

On the elevator ride down she made sure to fix the mess that was her black mop and pulled it into a much more presentable messy bun on the top of her head. As she stepped into the lobby she didn't see a delivery man anywhere.

In fact, what she did see, she wasn't expecting what so ever.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Mae gasped as she ran over to Billie.

"Well. I told you I wanted to see you. And I got Antsy. I had to pay that fucking kid $10 and a fucking picture to call you and lie." He laughed. Mae was still in shock. And then it dawned on her that she was still in her pajamas.

"Oh my god, I look like a fucking wreck!" She laughed, clearly embarrassed.

"Shut up. I think You look adorable" Billie teased as he pressed a kiss to her cheek. Mae playfully rolled her eyes and led the way back up to her apartment. Once they were alone on the elevator Mae spoke up once again.

"You couldn't have made this an afternoon surprise?" She teased.

Billie stepped up to Mae before pulling her close to him. "I couldn't wait at all. I left As soon as I was able to." Billie laughed as he pressed his forehead against hers. "But I am sorry I woke you up." He smiled softly. Mae smiled back.

"I guess it's worth being awake at 7:30 on a Saturday." She teased.

"I mean, we could always just go back to sleep."

"That sounds like an even better idea." Mae grinned just as the elevator door was opening. They walked down the hall just a bit before they reached her door. She thankfully remembered to grab her key on the way down.

"Damn this is nice," Billie commented as he walked into the apartment.

It was a decent size 1 bedroom apartment in downtown D.C.. it had a nice open floor plan with multiple windows in the living room that overlooked downtown.

"Thanks. I love it here." Mae smiled. She walked into her bedroom as Billie followed.

He laughed as she slid her shoes off and instantly got back into bed and tapped the empty side of the bed for him to join her. Billie took his shoes off and followed Mae. As he slid in behind her Mae rolled over onto her side and Billie draped his tattooed arm over her waist. It honestly didn't take long for either of them to fall back asleep. Billie inhaled the scent of Mae's lavender and vanilla shampoo and it relaxed him instantly.


Mae began to stir a few hours later. She stretched her arms out in front of her as she rolled over to see Billie smiling at her with his phone in his hand.

Fell for You  || Billie Joe Armstrong Where stories live. Discover now