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With only 2 full days left in her Vacation, Mae made it a point to make it known that she wanted to formally meet Adrienne before she left; if possible anyway. She was ready. She would love to meet the boys, but that was a different story altogether.

Mae and Billie Joe found themselves tangled in the sheets of his king-size bed. Both mindlessly looking at their phones. Billie dropped his and shifted to look at Mae.

"What do you want to do for the rest of your time here?" He fixed a stray piece of hair on her shoulder.

"Well, I really would like to meet Adrienne if I could. I know it's weird, but I feel like it would be good." Mae chuckled nervously.

"I think It's a great idea. Maybe you can meet my boys too. If they're home. Let me call her." He grabbed his phone and put it to his ear.

"Yeah nice to talk to you too," He laughed. "What are you up to today, wanna grab some lunch with Mae and me?"

Mae felt the sinking feeling in her stomach come back. The nervous butterflies if you will.

"Awesome. We'll see you then!" Billie hung up the phone and smiled at his girlfriend. "Okay, First of all. Don't be nervous. I'm telling you, it's fine. She's not scary!"

"Shut up." She retorted. Billie stuck his tongue out playfully.

"Why don't you make me?"

Mae leaned in and pressed her lips to Billies. Breaking the kiss after only a moment to rest her forehead on his. "It's scary how much I'm already dreading going home."

"Well! Good thing you still have 2 more days!" Billie stood up with enthusiasm. "Now, let's go shower and get ready. We're meeting in an hour and a half!"

"Them?" Mae sat up, bringing the sheet with her.

"Yeah, the boys haven't left for tour yet. So we're killing 2 birds with one stone, today babe!" Mae smiled at his energy. She knew how nervous he'd been about just telling his sons about his girlfriend, and now he's excited to introduce them to her formally.


The couple arrived at the local restaurant downtown before Adrienne and the boys did, so they grabbed a table and ordered themselves some drinks. Mae tried not to tune in on the fact that she didn't feel as nervous as she thought she should.

"Hey, you're hot." Billie Joe spoke up, placing his hand on his girlfriends.

"Shut up." Her tone was playful. "You're one to talk. Old man." Mae loves to jab at Billies' age. She knew he wasn't sensitive about it, but it always made him roll his eyes, which was super cute.

"Hello hello!" A female voice came from behind the couple, Billie stood up almost instantly.

"Hey Aid!" Mae stood slowly and remained silent while she watched her boyfriend interact with his ex-wife. He gave her a quick hug and turned to Mae.

"Mae, Adrienne! Now you guys have formally met! And you can BOTH stop bugging the ever-loving shit out of me for it!" Everyone sat down, Adrienne finding a seat at on the head of the table, so their sons could sit across from Billie and Mae.

"Alright B. Shut it!" Adrienne turned to Mae with a huge smile. "I'm so happy to finally meet you. This one just won't shut up about you." She chuckled

"Really now?!" Mae grabbed Billie Joe's knee under the table and smirked. "It really is great to meet you too. Formally anyway."

"The kids should be here any minute by now!" Their mother pulled her phone out to check for any messages. Just as she was locking her phone's screen Mae heard two more voices from behind her. Billie stood up once again, Mae and Adrienne following suite.

Fell for You  || Billie Joe Armstrong Where stories live. Discover now