Ch. 3

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"Why did you two broke up?"

"She cheated on me"

"If she's my bestfriend why she did that? Or wait, do I know this?" she confusedly asks

"No not exacty the day that she cheated on me, and you pushed her to tell me that she was cheating on me" She got shocked on what she heard

"Really? I did that?"

"Yes. Because I'm your friend too and you even punch her face for doing that"

"Whoa. But she deserved it" They both laughed

"But what did you do when she told you that she was cheating?"

"I listened to her and forgave her. She kept on repeating it until I got used to it, then one day I fell out of love because of the treatment that she's given to me. Yes she loves me, I can feel it but it's not enough. Because if I am enough for her she won't find some other girls"

"You're absolutely right. Because if you are really in love with someone, even if you put hundred girls infront of her, she won't get distracted because she only sees one girl. Cause if you're truly in love, being faithful is easy" She nods as she agrees. She knows she's right.

"Before she's not like that, she was always refusing other girls who's hitting on her. They almost give their body to her but she don't give a shit about them. Until one day, everythings changed. I don't know what happened to her"

"Did you even asked her why she did that?"

"I did but whatever her reason was, if she truly loves me, IF EVER I did something wrong to her, she won't take revenge just to hurt me back"

"You're right. But do you still have feelings for her? I mean I know you fell out of love but you know, what if you realised that you didn't stop loving her?" She shrugged

"I can only answer that if I see her in person. But now, I can tell you I don't have feelings for her. You know, maybe if I see her maybe it'll change or not"

"I see. But have you know...uhm like...attracted to someone?" she shyly asked

"Why did you asked?" She teased

"Stop looking at me like that" She rolls her eyes and run to her

They're always like that, running around, chasing each other. They're happy, for now.p

Sister's girlfriend (Book II) Jenlisa x LisreneWhere stories live. Discover now