Ch. 21

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"Can I talk to you Jennie?" Lisa asked with no expression. Jennie can feel her heart beat as Lisa entered in her office. Jennie smirks.

"What to go outside?" Lisa nodded. They went to the garden of the company.

Lisa asked Irene's permission first before talking to Jennie. Irene let her and trust Lisa that much but she's worried because it's Jennie. But Jennie really deserve an explanation after all.

While Lisa telling Jennie what happened there, her heart dropped with a teary eyes. Hearing that from Lisa breaks her heart. She hopes she's the one who saved Lisa. She hope that time she was Irene or Nayeon.

"How it happened that you and Irene?" She doesn't want to ask it but she needs to know, even if she will get hurt.

"At first, Hyun told me what was my life here. What I left here" She said looking at Jennie's eyes. Lisa saw the sadness in Jennie's eyes she wanted to hug her but she tried not to.

"Even me?"

"More on about you. She told me how much I love you, how much you love me, how much we love each other. She told me everything" She smiled sadly

"How come you fell for her when you knew that there's you and mehere?" Lisa sigh at her question

"Do you really want to hear it?"


"Even if it will hurt you? Look Jennie I don't want to hurt you anymore"

"Just drop it and tell me everything" Lisa sigh again.

"Fine...Yes I know there's you and me here Jen, but I don't know why my heart cheated on you. I don't really want to cheat on you Jen but I already did. I fell in love with her, knowing that I still have someone who's waiting for me here. I hold back Jen. I didn't tell her what I feel for her, because it might change everything. She's your bestfriend and I don't want to ruin what you have had, but again I already did. I ruined everything" She sigh heavily

"I am holding back Jen because of us, because of the story she told me. We went here Jen, I saw you laughing with someone else" Jennie eyes widened "I saw you at the mall laughing with him, from that moment, I decided not to go near you or say hi. Base on Hyun story about us, you deserve that guy who makes you happy and laugh. You deserve him"

"Did I make that as an excuse for me to tell my feelings and express to Hyun? Maybe no maybe yes. Because I know I don't have to hold back anymore because seeing you happy is all I want for you. I want you to be happy Jen" She sincerely said

"But you makes me happy Lis" Lisa shook her head

"At the same time hurting you? That's not the real happiness Jen. Hurting became your hobby when we met. Now, I think you deserves more"

"I agree with you, but I won't stop chasing you Lis"

"You'll get hurt and I don't want that"

"Don't worry Lis, I'll stop when I feel tired. But now no one can stop me, not even you. I know I still have a part in there" She pointed her heart. Lisa didn't say a word. Because Jennie is right but she doesn't want to give Jennie false hope.

"But Lisa, I want to hear it from you...Do you still love me?"

"I love Hyun, Jen"

'That's it' Jennie said to herself. She smiled to Lisa and bend her head to touch Lisa's ear

"You didn't answer my question LILI" She whispered her lips touched Lisa's ears. Lisa gulped

Sister's girlfriend (Book II) Jenlisa x LisreneWhere stories live. Discover now