Ch. 16

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It's been a week since that incident happened. Kook is the only one who stayed that night. Bambam really want to stay for Lisa but she said it's okay and they will talk some other time. He understand that she's hurt and tired from what happened. Bambam visits them all the time and tell them what really happened back then. He understand.

While Chaeng, she's really mad at Lisa and don't want to hear her reason but somehow she wants to. She didn't expect that coming, and seeing Irene there, her blood boils. Seulgi went through a lot after they broke up, yes she cheated but she doesn't have to come up to that way. Lisa and Seulgi are like sisters, Irene ruined a beautiful friendship. She thought. Chaeng talked to the others not to tell Jennie about it for now. She doesn't want to ruin Jennie's happiness.

Seulgi is now drinking beer, thinking of what V said to her 'You're a mess' and wishing Lisa to die. She didn't mean to say that to her, she's just mad that time. Really mad. Seeing your ex with your bestfriend and thought she was dead. Who wouldn't get mad. Seulgi want to talk to Lisa but she don't know how. She's hurt and of course Lisa and Tae on what she said to her.

Bambam called all of them to go to their hide out. They know what it is.

Seulgi, Chaeng, Yeri, Wendy and Joy arrived while Kook, and Bambam are already there

"Aren't you guys going to talk to Lisa? We don't know her reason yet we are judging her. Seulgi and Chaeng we've been friends since fetus you need to hear her side without killing each other. Aren't guys thankful that she's alive?" Kook asked

"Come on guys hear her out. One fucking hour won't hurt. Only one hour then if you don't want to fix it, it's over. Let's go separate ways after this" Chaeng and Seulgi looked at Bambam

"Bambam and Kook are right guys. You guys are friends since day one, then one mistake will just ruin your friendship? No it's not just friendship, it's a family" Now it's Wendy

"But she kept a secret"

"That's why we need to hear her side. I'm sure Lisa had her reason for not telling us early about what really happened back then. Come on open your damn heart just for once. I know you are hurt and disappointed by her, we all are. But please do understand that she did this because of her reason. Fuck that you don't want to hear her reason because you're mad. It'll ruin us guys. You are letting that anger eat you, you are choosing your pride over your friendship? Come on, grow up"

Seulgi and Chaeng didn't say a word. Because they are right. They can't let their pride eat their friendship.

"So Lisa is alive?" Their eyes widened

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