Ch. 24

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Chaeng and Jennie are now drinking in Jennie's unit.

"Why you suddenly want to drink? Is this a celebration of getting your girl back?" Chaeng laughed

"Sort of" Jennie shrugged and laughed

Jennie took 6 bottles of soju from her fridge.

"Chaeng, is it wrong if I want Lisa back? Is it wrong I'm taking her away from Irene? Am I a bad person?" Chaeng was taken a back at her sudden questions. She knows Jennie is okay but seeing Jennie right now, is different what she shows when Irene is infront of her or other people. One thing is for sure, Jennie is hurt.

"To answer your question Jen,  no. No you are not. From the beggining Lisa's yours, it'll be wrong if you and Lisa broke up. But apparently you and Lisa have no official break up and now she entered to another relationship. So no Jennie, you're just fighting for the person you love. Fighting for her isn't a bad thing, doesn't mean you're a bad person for wanting her knowing she's in a relationship. Again, as you've said you two never broke up" Jennie sigh.

"Do you support me with this? Well it's obvious that you do"

"Yes I really do support you. Jen, you deserves Lisa more than anyone else, Lisa is just a pussy for hurting you all over again. Though she didn't mean it at all, it's unintentionally but she's stupid for hurting the person who will do everything for her. Who will give her all for her, who will sacrifice her own happiness for someone who hurts her over and over again....Jen, I support you because you deserved Lisa. Please don't give up on her. I know in the end you will end up together. I trust you with this. I love Lisa that's why I want her for you, because I can see you won't hurt her. After all you did for her, I'm surely, you won't do something that will hurt her feelings" Chaeng honestly said that made Jennie happy

"Thank you Chaeng so much. I really appreciate you, even though I'm not your bestfriend you're still on my side"

"I'm not your bestfriend?" Chaeng pouted. Jennie laughed

"Well if that's what you want" She teased "But seriously Chaeng, thank you for always being there for me and for supporting me" She hugged Chaeng as chaeng hug her back.

"You deserves to be happy too Jen, someday you will be. You'll get what you really deserved in the right time. Just don't give up to the things that you want and on the person you truly loves. Because I don't think you can love someone else other than Lisa"

Jennie is very happy hearing that from Chaeng, and now she's sure what she will do next. Make Lisa fall for her again but she don't know how.

As they finish the their 3rd bottle

"Chaeng, I don't know how to make her fall in love with me again" Jennie said sadly

"Just do what you did before but this time fight for it. Don't wait for another 7 years again Jen. I don't want to see you suffering that long again. I want you to be truly happy"

Sister's girlfriend (Book II) Jenlisa x LisreneWhere stories live. Discover now