Ch. 19

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Jennie doesn't talk to her friends after knowing that Lisa is alive and now she's in a relationship with her bestfriend. After hearing that from her friends, her heart broke into pieces. She doesn't want to anybody even with Kai. Jennie heard that they will having a welcome party tonight because they invited her. She's thinking of something...

7pm at Manoban's

They starts the party, dancing, drinking. They are all having fun. Lisa and Chaeng talking on the table

"How are you?" Chaeng asked

"I'm good, Chae. How about you?"

"Just good? Can you discribe me that good?"

"I'm good, because finally I'm okay, I have you guys, my memory came back, I have my brother and Joohyun who won't leave me at all cost. Life was really good when I met Hyun in US. I'd never thought of this" She said smiling while shaking her head "Everything is okay"

"Do you really think everything is okay?" Chaeng frankly asked. Lisa frown her brows

"You haven't fix your relationship with Jennie, Lis. You left her and now you came back you have Irene with you. Isn't it too much for her? You didn't fix your relationship with her then she will saw you having a relationship with her bestfriend?"

"Chaeng, she did it first. She's with someone else who makes her happy"

"Because she thought you were dead. She tried to move on for that long. I'm just pushing her to date Kai because it's the best for her. Seeing her in her room watching crying all day breaks me because I can't do anything to stop her. And happy? I hope she's really happy with Kai, but she's really not because she still think that you're the best for her" Lisa looked down.

She knows how much she hurt Jennie before, how much she suffered seeing loving her sister then after she waited, she got into a car accident that she thought Lisa died in that accident. But then again, Lisa came back, with Irene. Lisa didn't regret anything for loving her Hyun, she regret hurting Jennie over and over again. She knows Jisoo is now mad at her for what she did to her sister.

"Lis, just a piece of advice. You might ruin their beautiful friendship, and to between you and Seul, I know you're both in good terms now but I know deep down in her hurt she's hurt. She doesn't want to tell you because she loves you Lis. You're a sister to her. Think about it"

Lisa is about to answered when her friends shouted


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