Ch. 7

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"Please please V, don't tell anyone about this. I'm begging you" Lisa plead

"I'm your twin. Lisa I won't let you down. I will protect you at all cost, but please don't leave again" His voice cracked

"V, in the right time, I'll come back. But after couple of days, Hyun and I are leaving again. But I promise you, we won't take long" V hug her twin sister as his tears start to fall down

"You're alive, and I'm happy to see you again because I thought I have no one left in our family. But I just don't know how, care to tell me what really happened and why Irene is with you. I'm fucking confused" V pulled away.

"Nayeon helped me" She confessed.

"Oh...what, NAYEON?!" V asked in shocked

"Hey lower your voice" She whisper yell.

"I'm sorry, but who?" He asked again in confusion.

"You heard me and it was Nayeon" lisa rolled her eyes

"Care to explain if you still remember" V says

"I don't but she told me everything"

"Okay go on"


"Ugh Fuck! My head hurts!" Lisa shouted

"Oh shit! Don't move I'll call the doctor" The girl sitting beside her run outside the room

"Who....Damn!" When the doctor arrived she asked a few question to Lisa and left after wards.

He explain to the girl who helped Lisa that she lost her memories because the accident was too brutal.

"Lisa, I'm Nayeon your ex" she said all of a sudden.

" what? I don't remember? Wait what the fuck am I doing here? Why that doctor didn't explain what is happening to me?" she bombard her with questions

"Wait okay? You're asking me a lot of question. Jeez" She massage her temple

"Just answer my question will you?"

"Just shut your mouth and I will explain EVERYTHING. That truck really hit you hard" She rolls her eyes "First, why you lost your memories is because you're involve in a car accident. Your friends thought you were dead, I didn't tell them because I have no time for that, and the doctor's hospital where they bought you, told me that it's better if I'll bring you here in US as fast as I can. Then I did without asking your twin brother's permission. I got no time to tell them even though they're probably worried about you. And I have no contact to them because they blocked me when we broke up. They I don't where you phone was, then the doctor says that they will contact you, so I thought they did but they didn't. Up until now, so yeah" Nayeon explains.

"And what happened next?"

"Stop talking and I will continue"


"You're asleep for about 5 months now"

"5 months?!" She shouted

"You heard me" Nayeon said rolling her eyes

"As much as I want to thank you for saving my ass, you makes me want to kick your ass with that attitude" She hissed

End of the flashback

"Whoa! After that accident you've turned being a savage but anyways, I'm still curious why Irene is with you?" He asked.

Sister's girlfriend (Book II) Jenlisa x LisreneWhere stories live. Discover now