Ch. 35

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Lisa entered in the starbucks and the girl stood up and hugged her tightly

"I missed you, I missed you a lot. How can you leave me like that?"

Lisa hugged her back. After a minute

"Can we not do it here? Can we talk somewhere else?"

They went to Lisa's car. And didn't go anywhere the just stayed there.

"I don't know where to start" She honestly said

"Start where you want to start, I'm all ears" Lisa took a deep breath

"First, I want to apologize for leaving you here without saying good bye. But trust me I agreed with Tae because that's the best decision to do, I need to find myself. I need to know who I trul...I truly love" She whispered the last words

"And that's not me right?" The girl sadly asked

"...I'm sorry" Lisa started to crack her voice.

"Don't cry please? If you don't love me anymore I really understand because that's life. That's love. You didn't chose to hurt me, you didn't want this to happened. Shit happens and I understand that. What I don't understand is....loving you this much. Loving the person I can't have....loving the person who love someone else and the worst is she's in love with my bestfriend" She breakdowns

"I hate myself for loving you so fucking hurts...loving you is hard...but it's my's my choice not to move went to US to find yourself and by that time you've given me the chance to move on from you...but what I did is to wait for the person...I've waited for nothing" She cries. Lisa hugged her

"But you know...I'm happy because I gave my best...I gave my everything...No regrets for showing my real feelings for you.....I can tell to myself now that...I did my very best, no more regret in the end...But you know what is hard? Is to forget you, forget the things what we have had. Forget thosw happy moments being with you. It's really hard to forget the person who gave you so much happiness. You've given me what the real happiness really is. And my real happiness is being around you. You're my happiness Lisa."

"You know what the problem is? You depend your happiness on me, I don't deserve that. And you don't deserve it either that kind of attention I've given to you. You deserved more. You deserved everything. You deserves nothing but the best. Don't rely your happiness to other people, because you won't find the real happiness. The real happiness is when you start loving yourself, when you see your worth, and that's....that's the real happiness. Not like this. You won't find the happiness you deserves in me"

"Maybe yeah I depend my happiness on you because you're the person who gave me so much hope in life. Being with you is the best years that ever happened to me. Thank you for all those years. Thank you for given me the chance to love you"

"No...Thank you. Thank you for loving me even though I don't deserve it. Thank you for loving me unconditionally. Thank you for making me happy too, thank you, you've been part of my life. Thank you for everything you did for me. But really, you deserves someone who will love you unconditionally, who will give her/his all to you. Because a person like you, deserves nothing but the best in life. You're so precious to let go but I have to do it because I don't want to hurt you anymore, I don't want to put another more year to break. You had enough" Lisa tightly hugged her

"You deserves better, and that's not me"

Sister's girlfriend (Book II) Jenlisa x LisreneWhere stories live. Discover now