Ch. 9

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Lisa and Irene went back in US a couple of weeks ago now. They saw Seulgi again, she's being Seulgi, the reason why Irene fell out of love and got tired of their relationship. The play girl Seulgi. They saw her in the bar, hitting some other girls. Irene is used to it, but not the feeling she felt back then. She can assure that she's not into Seulgi anymore. Besides they broke up for years.

Lisa and Irene are laying down on their bed. They desided to shared room. Irene is resting her head on Lisa's arm, while Lisa's hand wraps around Irene.

"Lis, what if your memory bring back?" Irene sounds scared and Lisa noticed that

"Nothing will change Hyun"

"No Lisa, you know that's not true" She says, still didn't move from their position.

"If you're thinking I'm going to treat you differently if ever memory comes back, no. I won't do such things that will hurt your feelings. You're the one who stayed here and I'm thankful because we bumped into each other that day. You have no idea how thankful I am to have you here. So no Hyun, nothing will change" She sincerely said

"Can we just stay like this forever?" Lisa knows Irene is afraid to leave her side.

"Hyun" She played with her hair "I said nothing will change, you're my Hyun and I'm your Priya okay?" She kissed the top of her head while her eyes closed.

Lisa couldn't deny to herself that she develop feelings for Irene but she holds back because of what Irene said to her that she have fiancé and she's her bestfriend's ex. But after what she saw in Seoul, nothing's holding her back now. She think they deserves to be happy too, specially Irene. She woke up one day, having this kind feelings for Irene that she couldn't even explain. She thought she also forgot what is the feeling of being in love.

"But what about Jennie? They said when you have amnesia your mind may forgot but your heart won't" She says in lower voice.

"Hyun, remember when we went back in Seoul? That day I felt nothing but happiness. I don't know if I'm happy to see her happy or it makes me happy because there's nothing to hold back anymore. Well I hope I can bring back my memory now" Lisa says

"Why?" She sat as she heard Lisa said that. Lisa did the same as she smiled

"Because I want to prove to you that even it's back, that nothing will change. My memories maybe back but my feelings for her won't" She paused as she look at her "Because you already owns it Hyun. My heart belongs to you" She sincerely said as she kissed Irene's forehead.

"I'm just afraid to lose you, I know how much you love Jennie. I witnessed it. I was the one who's helping her, I was there when you finally realised you loved her. I saw the sparks in your eyes that day"

"She was in the past Hyun, I know you're just worried but trust me on this. When I say I won't leave you, I won't leave you" She sincerely said. Irene can't help but to smile.

Sister's girlfriend (Book II) Jenlisa x LisreneWhere stories live. Discover now