Ch. 15

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"IRENE?!" They all shouted except for the twin. Irene didn't mind them and run fast to Lisa

"You're bleeding! Fuck you Seulgi!" She glares.

"What the fuck is this Irene?!" Chaeng asked in confusion.

"Guys calm down" Wendy said but no one listen. Seulgi pulled Lisa away from Irene and punch her

"Oh my god" Irene cries as she tried to pulled Lisa away. Bambam punch Seulgi for her to stop

"Damn you Seulgi! You saw her alive but you want to kill her now! Calm your fucking ass" He shouted. "This is not us"

"Calm my ass?! Can't you see, she's with my girlfriend!" She pointed Irene.

"I'm not your fucking girlfriend!" She said while holding Lisa's head. Tae grab the medicine kit and give it to Irene

"Oh right, you're my ex and look at my best friend whose hitting on you! Is the that what you call BESTFRIENDS?!" She emphasize the word bestfriend "What Lisa?! You hide from us and ditch Jennie on your wedding day, pretend that you were dead just to get my ex girlfriend? Then she followed you wherever the fuck you were from the entire time?! Then you'll just show up like this?! Really huh?!" She tried to punch Lisa again but this time Irene slapped her so hard. Really hard

"Try to lay you hands on her again and I'm gonna kill you!" She gritted her teeth

"See?! I'm right! You fucking hide just to get my ex girlfriend! You should have ask Lisa, I will give her to you! Not like this! You let people suffer because we thought you were dead! Well I hope you really died!" This time Tae is the one who punch her

"Yes Lisa have mistake for hiding for years! But she have her reason lsnand you fucking asshole wishing her to die, fuck you! Get the out of my house before I call the fucking cops!" He said angrly

"You're just picking her side because she's your twin!" They all know Seulgi is not on herself. Seulgi is high as hell.

"And your point?! You don't know anything! You don't know how hard it was to go home when your home is not a home anymore because you lost your love ones! Then you wished Lisa to die just because of her mistake?! Well FUCK YOU!" Tae push her "I don't want to see your face anymore Kang Seulgi! Fix yourself! You're a mess!" He said angrily. This is the first time they got into a fight. This is a total mess, lisa thought.

Seulgi went out of the mansion. Now no wants to talk until

"You can leave now, I see that you don't want to hear my side and wants to kill me by now. But you really don't know anything. You can all leave" Lisa went upstairs and grabbed Irene's hand

Chaeng turned her attention to Tae

"That's why you've been acting strange and happy these past few months. And when you threw a party, you even asked me what if Lisa is still alive. I see now. We're not mad because she's alive, we are mad because of what she did but whatever her reason is. Fuck her and her reasons ! And for hiding this from us, fuck you"

Sister's girlfriend (Book II) Jenlisa x LisreneWhere stories live. Discover now