Ch. 28

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It's been 3 days since that night happened. Lisa's still thinking what Jennie told her and his twin brother. She's worried about Jennie and somehow she wants to check up on her but it's not the best thing to do because she's thinking about Irene. She knew it's her fault why Jennie is drinking non stop. And thinking about Irene. In short, she might explode anytime.

Irene noticed how Lisa changed since that night happened. She's not paying attention to Irene, her mind is not there. They are now at the leaving room watching, well not really watching because Lisa is just looking at the screen not paying attention on the movie. While Irene is observing her girlfriend.

"Lisa" She calls. But Lisa obviously didn't heard her. Irene shakes her head, she's hurt knowing that Lisa is still love her ex. Irene knew from the start Lisa's feeling for Jennie never change. Yes she loves Irene but not the same as her feelings for Jennie. Maybe she ignores her but it's just because of Irene. She's afraid to hurt her. That's what Irene thought.

"Goddamn it Lisa!" She got up. Lisa get herself back from reality

"Hyun, is their a problem?" She confusedly asked and surprised at the same time

"Problem?! Really Lisa you don't know?!"

"Hyun, I don't know what you are talking about"

"Of course you don't! You don't know what I am feeling because you're more focus on Jennie!" She shouted. At this point Irene want to slap Lisa so hard

"W...what are you saying?" She startled

"Lisa don't play dumb please! Stop hurting me over and over again!"

"H...hyun" She walked closer to Irene but Irene step back

"Stay there!"

"Hyun what's the problem?" Irene wiped her own tears

"You really don't know?" Lisa shook her head "Then I'll tell you every single detail of it"

"Lisa, how many times I've asked if you still love Jennie? Many times Lisa! I'm always asking you if you're still into her but you're completely lying to me but I chose to believed you! Why? Because that's how much I love you. I was blind to believe that I am the only one but the truth still love her! Li...." Lisa cut her off

"Hyun I don't!"

"Oh shut up Lisa! Let me fucking finish!" Lisa lowered her head. Irene felt bad on what she did. She sigh heavily and calm herself before talking.

"Lisa you still love her" She lowered her voice. "You don't have to lie. Yes you love me, but not as much as you love her Lisa. When we went back here, when you saw her with that guy I've asked you if you didn't feel anything you said nothing. But it's written all over your eyes that you're disappointed and hurt. Let me tell you something....eyes never lie"

"Lis, I am always asking if you still love her but you were always telling me lies. I got lied, when all I did was, speaks the truth to you. My feelings for you. Yes I can tell that you did everything to love me more than you love Jennie but you failed. You failed to do it because no one can replace her. Not even me" She cries

"I'm thankful becuase you really tried to love me, you didn't fail to treat me well either. To make me happy and feel special everyday. You never fail to do it. But you failed on your main goal. To love me. I know you don't want to hurt me and you want to return what I did for you when we were still in US but you don't really have to because all I want is your honesty. But I'm not gonna lie, I enjoyed being with you. For almost 2 years you didn't fail. We never get into a fight because I'm afraid if I get mad at you and tells you that you're hurting me without you noticing it, that I might lose you. I stayed even though you're physically with me but you mind is not really here" Lisa run to Irene and hugged her

"Hyun I'm sorry...I'm so sorry" She cries "I didn't mean to hurt you, I didn't mean it...Hyun please give me..."

"Shhhh. No don't cry please" She pulled away she wiped Lisa's tears

"You don't have to say sorry because you tried your very best to love me, but guess what" She smile sadly "You failed to do it...and I understand because heart will never choose who to love"

"But I'm hurting you Hyun"

"Priya, it's part of it. Because my feelings for you is pure. People will get hurt because their love is real"

"Hyun, it hurts too. To see you like this, to see you crying, hearing that I am hurting you Hyun"

"I know Priya I know. But it's better if we'll do what makes us really happy. What your heart really want. WHO you really wants...and that's not me" She closed her eyes and burried her face into Lisa's neck "Your happiness is more important than mine Priya"

"Don't say anything, let's stay like this...for one last time"

Sister's girlfriend (Book II) Jenlisa x LisreneWhere stories live. Discover now