Ch. 20

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"JENNIE!" "IRENE" as Lisa heard that her heart started beating so fast. Lisa run fast to Irene as she saw her fell on the grow

"GIRLFRIEND STEALER?! REALLY IRENE?!" She said angrily. You can see on her eyes that she cried earlier. She tured to Lisa. Her knees shaking as she saw Lisa, she want to hug her, she want to kiss her, but instead of that


She slapped Lisa really hard. But Lisa didn't say a word nor get angry with her because she knows how hurt Jennie is and she deserves it.


"Jennie stop" Chaeng said

"NO! YOU'RE GOING TO STOP! SHE TOOK LISA AWAY FROM ME THEN YOU ARE GOING TO STOP ME! YOU WILL HEAR WHAT YOU HAVE TO HEAR!" She took a deep breath and calm herself. She's tired shouting and crying all night because of Lisa

"Lisa, I did everything...I did everything for you to see me...for you to recognize me...for you to love me...I did everything...but I ended up being hurt" She sobs " know how much I love you...that I am willing to do everything for you to love me back...I was the only one who's there when Jisoo Unnie died....even though I'm hurting at the same time...Seeing the person you love was crying over your sister...killing herself with alcohol...I was there even though I lost someone that I love too...But I stayed even you didn't asked me to...Because...." She sobs "I love you...and by that I forgot to value myself...I gave my all to you but...all you did...all you did is to hurt me....I didn't chose to love you...because Jisoo likes you...but my fucking heart did...Seeing you with my sister...Seeing you with her breaks me, but at the same time I'm happy because you made her happy too...but" She looked at Irene then Lisa

"Seeing you with her...makes me want to explode...Lisa she's my bestfriend...of all people why Irene?"

Tears falling down on her face. She knows Jennie is right. Of all people why it has to be her bestfriend. She wants to punch herself right now for hurting Jennie. She wants to hug Jennie but she can't. She messed up and she can't do anything to take that pain away when she's the reason behind it. She can't do it because she have Irene now.

Jennie wiped her tears and face Irene but Lisa went infront of her. Jennie just smirk but behind that smirk she's hurt. But she chose not to show it to anyone

"Move, I'm not going to hurt her. I'll just remind her that" She slightly pushed Lisa "You know what's mine is mine. I don't share. You know what time it is Irene" She smirks before leaving all of them dumbfounded.

"Cry baby turning to bitch? I like what I see" Chaeng whispered to herself

Sister's girlfriend (Book II) Jenlisa x LisreneWhere stories live. Discover now