Ch. 18

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"Now, I want to hear your side"

"I don't know where to start but yeah..." Lisa paused as she sigh before explaining her side

"I was in coma for like 5 months..." Seulgi and Chaeng lowered their head feeling guilty on what they have said to Lisa

"Then I lost my memory. At first, Nayeon is the one who helped me. She didn't tell you guys because she have no time of telling you because I was dying that time. The doctor said that I need to go to US as much as possible. So Nayeon did, then Nayeon didn't tell you when she got there because she have no contact with you guys. She have no time to find your connections or something because I needed her that time. Then when I woke up, she explained everything to me" Lisa paused

"Please continue" Wendy said. Lisa smiled

"Nayeon gave me all my credit cards and everything. Because she can't be with me anymore, I understand that she have a life too. I'm thankful that she took care of me for that long. Then weeks passed I bumped into Hyun" She smiled as she said that "She recognized me but I don't really have an idea who she was because of the amnesia. But then she told me she's a good friend of mine. I told her everything happened to me"

"She asked me if she can tell you about me, but I told her not to. I still don't know you guys, except from my brother but I still chose to keep it to him because it's hard for me to face you having that fucking amnesia and having headache all the time. I don't want to be a burden to you because you have your personal problem too, I got mine. Hyun even told me about Jennie, she helped me to remember you guys but I couldn't. That fucking truck really hit me hard. But thanks to Nayeon and Hyun I'm alive" She said smiling at Irene

"It's okay guys if you're still mad at me, and I get it. Because I did something terrible and I made you worried and suffered from that accident. But please don't get mad at Tae and Hyun, Hyun didn't do anything but to help me. Because of her I live and I'm really thankful for that" She looked at seulgi

"To you Seul, sorry if you feel like I took her away from you, but I knew to myself I didn't. Because she wasn't yours when I saw her. Yes she's your ex but sorry if I start to have feelings for her I tried to stop and I even tried to stop my feeling because of Jennie and you. But when I bring back my memory, we went here to fix things, but then I saw Jennie with the other guy laughing. We left without saying hi, and then we saw you Seul in a bar. That time, I know what's up, I know I don't have to hold back on what we saw. I didn't waste my time"

"But as your friend or whatever you want to call it, I genuinely apologized for falling in love with your ex, but I didn't regret it, yes I'm apologizing but there's a difference" Irene tried not to cry, she's so lucky to have Lisa in her life who will sacrifice her friendship over relationship

"Again, I'm sorry Seulgi for what I did. I understand if you don't want to accept my apology. If you want to punch me or kill me please not infront of my brother and Hyun" Now Seulgi looked at her

"You really love her, don't you?"

"I do Seulgi" She smiled "Again, I apologize to all of you. I'm really really sorry for not telling you guys and for hurting your feelings. I didn't mean to do that, nor hurt you. I never meant to turn you into this. And thank you for letting me to explain" She half smiled.

"Lis" That's all Chaeng can say. She felt guilty for acting that toward Lisa. She don't have any idea what she've been through.

"I understand Chaeyoung" She said formally. Now Chaeng knows she hurt Lisa. She never called her by her real name. She usually call her Chipmunk, Chae or Chaeng "I understand why you said that, and that's okay" Chaeng can't take it anymore

"Lisa, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being a pussy. Sorry for not listening to you, for not hearing your reason first. For everything that I did to you. I genuinely apologize Lisa. Yes you understand but I know deep down we hurt your feelings. We should be the one who understand you and be there when you needed us the most. Li..." Lisa didn't let her finish and hug her bestfriend tightly. They both cry. When someone poke her. It's seulgi

"Limario, you're only forgiven when you forgive me" She jokes Lisa smirked and over Seulgi a hug.

"We still need to talk" Seulgi whispered

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