Ch. 26

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@At the party

They are drinking non stop, enjoying each others company. While Lisa and Irene sitting next to each other. And the right side of Lisa is Jennie. But she's not annoying Lisa or talking to her. She didn't even touch or throw a single glance at her. She's drinking quietly.

Lisa noticed that. This is so rare because Jennie is always annoying Lisa and making a move on her. Pissing Irene off. She even noticed that Jennie is drinking too much.

"Hey that's too much" Lisa whispered. Irene saw Lisa lean closer to Jennie and whispered something

"Who cares? I got this okay?" She in irritated tone. Lisa was taken a back.

"But you were drinking since we entered here and guess what? We arrived here for like 2 hours ago, and you arrived earlier than us" She said worriedly. Jennie is surprised at her words but she didn't show any expression.

"Why you suddenly care? I thought you hate me? I'm confused now Lisa" Lisa shook her head

"Jen, I care about you because I'm your friend. As your friend, I don't want to see you drowning yourself in alcohol. That's bad for your health" She took the bottle away from her and put it on the table.

Chaeng smirked seeing Lisa is being protective again over Jennie. The others are just watching them but doesn't know what they are talking about because the music is too loud. But you can see that they are arguing about the alcohol. Irene is jealous watching Lisa and Jennie. She's not mad at Lise because Lisa is really caring but seeing her girlfriend and her ex bestfriend like this makes her confused. Well we all are because Lisa doesn't give a shit to Jennie, Irene is the girl that matters to her.

"Friend? Yeah we're just friends" She mocks. And grabbed the bottle of beer again. "Lisa, you are my friend not my girlfriend so please stop..." Lisa grabbed her hand and dragged her outside that makes them shocked. Irene is confused what they are talking about because of the goddamn music. She knows it is about the drink but as Lisa dragged Jennie outside makes her confused even more. She got up and followed the two. Chaeng told the others to stay and she will follow. They agreed.

"What the fuck Lisa?!"

"Stop being hardheaded Jennie!"

"Lisa, I'm not a hardheaded. I need alcohol to forget the pain for awhile. Alcohol helps me a lot Lisa. You have no idea how hard it is to deal with this kind of pain...."

"But alcohol is not a solution with for that"

"So are you?" She sarcastically asked "I know alcohol is not a solution but drinking beers helps me to sleep at night, peacefully. You don't know the feeling Lis. I'm so fucking numb! This" She pointed her chest "Is fucking tired Lisa but she never gave up. She still hoping that the girl she love for 10years will love her back someday. But seeing her being in love with my own words can explain how hurt it is! To deal with it every single day! Loving you is not easy Lisa! But I did even if you didn't ask for it. My heart fucking did! My heart is fucking stupid for loving the person who can't love her back!" Lisa can't say anything. It hurts seeing Jennie like this, she don't know why. But she doesn't like the idea of seeing her like this.

"Seeing you with my sister is okay, but seeing you with Irene?! It's fucking painful Lisa! Seeing you how happy you are to have her, seeing you how much you love her, is no joke Lisa. Yes I maybe a bitch infront of you but you don't know what I really feel inside" She boldly said. She doesn't care if everyone will hear it. She just cry and shout at Lisa.

"I don't know what you did to me to love you like this. But I'm still not regreting it Lisa. I didn't regret any of it. Because I'm loving the right person at the wrong time, again"

Sister's girlfriend (Book II) Jenlisa x LisreneWhere stories live. Discover now