Ch. 27

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What happened last night really affect Lisa, specially Irene it really bothers her on Lisa's sudden actions and seeing her bestfriend like that.

She's now in her office, Lisa didn't come with her this time. She have a lot of works to do but she's floating. She's off. Still thinking about what just happened last night. She clearly heard everything, and she even saw how Lisa got worried to Jennie. That's the first time she saw Lisa like that yes she got worried to Irene but not the same as last night.

While Lisa is just staring at her breakfast thinking about Jennie. When Tae came

"Lis, stop making an eye contact with your food" He said rolling his eyes. But Lisa didn't heard him. Tae slap the table making Lisa to flinch

"Yah!" She said irritatedly

"I've been talking to you for a minute then here you are making a staring contest with your food" He rolls his eyes "Tell me, was it about last night?" He seriously asked

"What? No. It's nothing" she lied

"Oh please twin sister stop lying to me. We're twins, you can't lie to me. Now spill it" Lisa shook her head

"Fine! If Jennie is confusing you then break up with Joohyun" Lisa eyes widened

"NO WAY!" She shouted "Why would I do that?"

"Because you're confused?" He paused "Look, Jennie is confusing you. And it might affect your relationship with Irene. Because if you really love Irene, What Jennie said last night won't hunt you like this. I mean, look at you. You're spacing out. It's because what Jennie said to you" Lisa is about to reply when Tae stops her

"No, let me tell you something" He paused and continues "Jennie is confusing you but you're in a relationship. You're cheating, why? Because you're thinking of Jennie instead of Irene. Have you thought that what Irene will think or feel?" Realization hit her and slowly shakes her head

"That's what I'm talking about. I don't want to put in this kind of situation but you did it in the first place, even though you don't like this. But Lis, you have to fix this. If you continue doing these things, it'll destroy the three of you. You have to sacrifice and you have to choose the person you truly love. Because choosing the person who you think it's better for you, might regret it the future, choosing her over the person who you truly love. Yes it's better to choose the better for you, but stop being selfish. You have to consider their feelings too"

"Don't choose who do you think is the better instead.....

choose who's your heart shouting. You only have one choice, because you only have one heart not two"

Sister's girlfriend (Book II) Jenlisa x LisreneWhere stories live. Discover now