Ch. 13

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It's been three months since Lisa and Irene became official and they are now flying back to Seoul. Lisa knows that her girlfriend is not comfortable on going back in Seoul because it might ruin what Lisa and Seulgi had. But Lisa assured her that it'll going to be fine, whatever it takes she will stay at Irene's side.

As they landed, V is there to welcome her twin sister. They both hug tightly and Irene smiled as she saw her girlfriend happy. Lisa pulled away

"Tae, I know you know Hyun but I want you to meet her as my girlfriend" She proudly said. Tae is not surprised at the statement because when they went back here in korea they look like a real couple. Irene blushed as she introduced her.

"I see and I'm genuinely happy for the news. I know you two will end up being girlfriends, at least now I know that my sister is in good hands" He smiled "Hello to my future sister-in-law" He teased. Irene blushed again

"It's nice to see you again Tae" she smiles

After the little chitchat they went to their house. Lisa decided to live in their house since Tae is the only one who lives there. Tae prepared a small welcome party since his friends have no idea about this

 Tae prepared a small welcome party since his friends have no idea about this

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"WELCOME HOME LISA-YAH" He shouted "I hope you like it" Lisa hug his brother. Tae pulled Irene to join them

"Thank you Tae"

After the mini celebration party they decided to sleep first because they have a jetlag. While Tae is drinking alcohol still celebrating while holding the picture frame of their parents

"She's here mom and dad, she's alive" He said happily but tears falling down in his face "Atleast I'm not alone anymore. I still have someone who'll stay by my side through thich and thin. I know my friends will be mad at us for not telling them about Lisa but whatever it takes I'll stay with my sister. I don't want to lose her again mom & dad. Please guide us always and look for us" he sat on the couch as his

"Tae! Oh my God we've been...okay what the hell?" Kook said as he saw the 'Welcome home' thingy. He stood up and wiped his tears

"Why are you crying? and what is that?" Chaeng asked pointing the decoration

"W...what are you doing here?" he startle

"You didn't answer our question, what is this?" Now it's Seulgi as she saw the baggage of Irene

Sister's girlfriend (Book II) Jenlisa x LisreneWhere stories live. Discover now