Ch. 2

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"Is she replacing my twin?" V asked looking at Jennie. Kook faced him

"She's not replacing your sister V. She has to move on okay? I know it's not easy for her to accept what happened. We all witnessed what she've been through. Let her live and be happy"

"But what if my sister is alive?" Kook gave him a wierd look and laugh after wards

"What are you saying?" He asked between his laugh

"I don't know. I just...I don't feel like she died"

"Maybe, but that's imposible love" He shrugged


'I wonder, what we are doing right now, if you live. I think we are having our first baby, and taking care of me. And obeying all of my commands, that's who you are. It's silly but I missed those moments. You don't want me to get sad. But I guess looking at me down here makes you sad, I'm sorry if I allowed Kai court me'

After Lisa died, Kai was there. He never left, even though Jennie kept on pushing Kai away. Jennie, appreciate his presence but she couldn't let him enter in her life because for her, no one can replace Lisa. Yes Kai maybe your ideal man but once you fell for someone, your ideal man is nothing. Since freshman year she's inlove with Lisa, and she couldn't imagine her life without Lisa.

"Earth to Nini" Jennie get herself back in reality on what she heard

"What did you just called me?" She asked blankly

"Nini" Kai smiled

"Don't ever call me that again, only Lisa is allowed to call me that" she frankly said. Kai manage to smile even though he is kinda hurt

"Yeah. I'm sorry Jennie"

"No it's okay. Just don't do it again" She half smiled

"I won't. Do you want ice cream?"

Jennie remembered Lisa again, she always buy Ice cream for Jennie.

"Uhm, sure" She wants to experience how it feels when it wasn't Lisa. She want to feel if it's just the same as her.

"Alright, wait for me here" He happily said. Kai asked him out for a movie date, so they are now at the mall.

When Kai left, Jennie grabbed her phone and look at her lockscreen

"I'm sorry Lili. But no one can replace you, no one" she repeated as she smiled sadly

"Here Jen. Sorry if I kept you waiting"

"It's fine"

"Where do you want to go next?"

'Lili, you never asked me before where do I want to go because I always dragged you in different stores' She laughed bitterly at her thought

Sister's girlfriend (Book II) Jenlisa x LisreneWhere stories live. Discover now