Ch. 5

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Seulgi and Jennie went out for a coffee. They are working at the same company.

"So what you want to order?" Seulgi asked

"Still the same" She said. Seulgi nods and went to counter to order after she went back.

"So, how are you?" Seulgi asked Jennie whose sitting across to her

"It's still hurt, but I accepted it. That's life" Seulgi smiles

"How did it goes?"

"It was worst. But Kai was there, he nevee leave me even I asked him to back off but he never listened" Jennie chuckles

"Are you starting to like him?" Seulgi teased

"I mean he makes me happy and feel comfortable around him, uhm maybe. I don't know" Seulgi nods and smile.

"Why are you holding back? Lisa will understand and you have the right to be happy Jen" she paused "The reason why you always get hurt, it is because you're just focusing yourself in on person. Sometimes you have to close the old door toopen the new one. What if that door is the one who'll make you happy?" Jennie didn't respond. She knows what Seulgi said was true

"Let yourself be happy Jen. Lisa wants you to live and breathe, she wants nothing but the best for you" Seulgi smiles.

"But she's the best for me" Jennie voice cracked. Everytime she talks about Lisa she can't help but to tear up.

"Then find someone whose better for you. Sometimes you have to choose the better one. Not everytime you have to pick the best for you. Mind you of this, Lisa is not here anymore" She said frankly.

"Maybe, maybe you're right. I'm still on the process of moving on" Jennie wiped her tears away

"No, you don't have to move on. You need to move forward. We all know, no one can replace Lisa in your heart. She lives in there" She pointed her chest

"You're confusing me. You just said I need to open the new door to see what's best for me"

"You know what I'm saying Jen" She smiled and zip her iced coffee

"Can you give me a hug? Well, I just miss Lisa you know" She sighed. Seulgi chuckled "She used to do that" They both smiled

"That that...You can't move forward if you're always like that Jen. But anyways, come on" She hugged Jennie tightly

'I'm not ready to let you go Lili. But I have to. It's killing me everyday, the sadness I have inside. Ugh, I don't know. But I'm so sorry if I entertain others. I'll try my best not to think of you' She thought to herself

Sister's girlfriend (Book II) Jenlisa x LisreneWhere stories live. Discover now