Ch. 29

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Lisa is in her room, locking herself since the day Irene left her. It's been a week since they broke up. Jennie is always checking up on her like she did before when Jisoo died. Jennie think that everything is okay because they broke up but it end up like this. AGAIN.

Tae called all his friends even Irene and Jennie because he's worried sick becuase Lisa doesn't want to eat. All she did is to take a bath, then drinking beers. Jennie couldn't do anything because Lisa is not talking to her, she's just staring then if Jennie will try to steal the bottle from her hand she will open for another one.

As they all arrived, they went straight upstairs. When they opened the door they saw Lisa

drinking again. Seulgi gritted her teeth as she saw Lisa. She hates Lisa because she stole Irene from her and now she's mad because she hurt Irene. She immediately went to Lisa and grabbed her collar and punch her straight to her face three times.

"SEULGI!!!" They all shouted as they run to them. Lisa's nose is bleeding same as to her lips and eye brows. Tae glared at her, he didn't fight back because his sister is more important.

"What the fuck Seulgi?!" Irene pushed her and slapped hard

"She hurts you Irene! Now she's locking herself her just to run away from her mess?! And now what, to pity her?! To get attention?!"


This time Chaeng is the one who slapped her, she almost fell on the floor.

"How dare you? Can't you see she's a mess?! If you think she's doing this because she wants attention then get the fuck out of her! She hurt Irene?! You hurt her too but you didn't hear anything from us when you were drowning yourself to alcohol! When you were taking fucking drugs! When you were locking yourself to your room! We didn't say anything that could hurt your feelings. We stayed by your side because WE UNDERSTAND YOU! I know you know this feeling and we don't know what Lisa is thinking right now! We don't know the feeling to be in her position! You know Lisa from head to toe! Hurting other people is not her thing! But without her even noticing she does. You know that Seulgi but you're acting like you don't know her for attacking her like this! You know what Seulgi?! FUCK YOU!" She pushed Seulgi

Seulgi didn't say a word she just looked down as Lisa got up. She signal them she's okay. She walked infront of Seulgi and Seulgi noticed someone's standing infront of her.

"You want to punch me? Do it. You want to kill me? Do it" She said coldly and handed a knife to Seulgi that made them shocked.

They are all worried because Seulgi might take it because she's using drugs. They think she's not in herself because she attacked Lisa. Lisa raise her left hand when she heard a foot stop. Making Irene, Jennie and Tae stop. They are facing her back.

"Take it, I won't get mad at you" She smile painfully. "Even if you stab me, I don't think I will feel anything. Because when you punch me, I felt nothing. It hurts here" She pointed her heart

"Knowing that I made Jennie's life miserable, I'm hurting her when all she did is to love me. I don't know what is the feeling but I know it's worst then what I feel right now and it kills me. It kills me knowing that I can't give her the love that she deserved. You know why I locked myself here? It's because I can't face them. I have no face to show to all of you specially to you...Why?" She paused

"Because I hurt Joohyun too and it kills me too. All she did is to make me happy, she gave her everything to me, but same as Jennie I gave her in return was pain. And the worst is, my bestfriend is drowning herself into alcohol because her own bestfriend stabbed her. Now I want to feel what it feels like" She stared at the knife.

She smiled but you can see the emptiness in her eyes "I made all the wound and I don't even know how to cover it, it's too deep Seul. I don't know how to heal it Seul I'm tired of making you all suffer because of me" She grabbed Seulgi's hand and handed the knife "You can use this anytime you want. I have no strength to do it, can you do it for me? Don't worry no one will even put you in jail because I have this" She showed her phone. She's fucking recording it.

Irene and Jennie are about to stop Lisa and Seulgi but Tae and Chae grabbed their hands. This time they knew Seulgi won't do anything to Lisa.

If you can see Lisa right now, her eyes are sore like she's taking a drug. But she's not, just beers and smoking. You can see the emptiness in her yes.

Seulgi grabbed the knife and looked at Lisa that made Irene and Jennie nervous. Seulgi throw it and hugged Lisa tightly but Lisa didn't respond and felt heavy in her body. Her eyes widened as she realized. She pulled away


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