Ch. 11

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Lisa planned something in the roof top for Irene. She set up her guitar and a bed for the two of them and a dinner since it's already 7pm. Irene is not home yet because she still in her work, but Lisa will fetch her now. She grabbed phone

 She grabbed phone

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Hyun 💗

Hyun, I'm on my way. Be ready. I missed you already 😢

She put back her phone and went to the parking lot and drove herself to Irene.

30mins passed

"Wow Priya" She said happily "You did all of this?" She asks in surprised

"Yes do you like it Hyun?" Lisa asked smiling.

"No, I love it" She hugged Lisa as Lisa tapped her and Irene pulled away "Why?" She confusedly asked

"For you" She gave her a bouquet of sunflowers

"Hmmm" Irene smelled it "They're so beautiful and it smells so good" She smiled

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"Hmmm" Irene smelled it "They're so beautiful and it smells so good" She smiled.

"But not beautiful as you Hyun" Irene blushed so hard as she burried her face on Lisa's chest

"Yah! Stop being cheesy" Lisa chuckled

"I'm not, I'm stating the obvious. You're beautiful than the flowers I bought you Hyun" She pulled Irene and smiled to her. Irene pinch her cheek

"Thank you Priya" She hugged her

"I'm the one who's lucky here, stop thanking me" She honestly said "Let's watch movie and eat, yeah?"

"Sounds fun" Lisa smiled as she assist Irene and set the projector to flash their pictures and Video together
(Just imagine lol)

Their first selfie together flash on the big screen as Irene smiled at Lisa

"Watch it, hope you will like it" Irene didn't response as she watch it with her big smile on face. She's smiling form ear to ear.

"Hyun, I just want to thank you for always being there. For thanking care of me. For staying with me. For helping me to recover. For everything you did for me. I just want you to know that I did this because I want to and you deserve it. I don't want you to think that I just did this because I saw my ex fiancé with other guy a month ago, I really want to do this before but I'm holding back because I left someone there that I need to fix but when we saw that I think there's nothing to hold back anymore. Hyun, I don't know when did I started having these feelings for you, I just woke up one day and realised that I'm into you. The day you aren't in our bed, I was sad that day, nothing it's just that because I missed you. I want to thank you for making me feel this way, I just feel alive all of a sudden. Seeing all your efforts and all your sacrifices for me, makes me love you more. Yes Hyun, I'm in love with you. I'm deeply in love with you" She sincerely said. Irene couldn't stop her tears from falling down anymore

Lisa wiped her tears away.

"Hyun why are you crying? Did...did I said something wron..." She cut Lisa kff

"Priya no. You didn't do anything. It's tears of joy" She chuckled

Sister's girlfriend (Book II) Jenlisa x LisreneWhere stories live. Discover now