Ch. 22

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"I like the idea of what you did to Lisa. But Jen, what's your plan?" Chaeng asked. Jennie told her what happened when Lisa talked to her yesterday.

"You wanna come and go to their place?" Jennie asked smirking

"I don't think it's a good idea, but yeah. Let's go" Chaeng winks.

'Sorry Lisa but I don't really like Irene for you'

Before Jennie and Chaeng went to Lisa's, they buy lisa's favorite food. Well, it's working hour and it's lunch time. Taehyung didn't let Lisa work for the mean time. While Irene is working on Lisa's company that she left before that accident. Taehyung is managing the company since that incident happened.

When they are on their way to Lisa's

"Jen, Lisa is not there" Jennie raised her brows

"Where is she?"

"She's with Irene" She straight forwardly said

"Then we'll go there" Chaeng didn't say a word. She like the idea of Jennie, she nods.

"I will fight what's mine Chaeng. I won't give up Lisa that easily. If I made her love me back then, I can do it again" She said smiling facing the road

"I won't stop you Jen, I want you for my bestfriend. Only you"

"Thanks Chaeng" Atleast she knows that someone support her

"But if it turns out nothing? What if she really love Irene?" Jennie shook her head

"Chaeng remember, she once fell for me, I can do that again. Just trust me"

Chaeng didn't say a word just nod. When they arrived to Manoban's empire, one of the employee greet her

"Good afternoon Ms. Jennie, I haven't seen you since Lisa went somewhere. It's good to see you Ma'am" She bowed and smile

"It's good to see you again, and don't worry you will always see me starting today" She smiled. Chaeng shook her head smiling on what she heard.

'Cry baby turns to a bitch, I like that' Chaeng thought.

Jennie asked the employee where Irene is, for sure Lisa is there. When Jennie and Chaeng entered the room, they saw Irene. No Lisa. Irene stood up

"What brings you here?" She asked not wanting to sound rude.

"Is that how you greet your bestfriend?" Jennie asked bitchly

"Hi bestfriend, what brings you here? It's nice seeing you" She said sarcastically.

"Just checking my girlfriend" She innocently said as she checks if Lisa is there. This time raise her brows

"How come you're looking for your girlfriend here?"

"Well someone told me she's here"

"Tell me who she is maybe I saw her"

"Lisa, Lalisa Manoban" She proudly said. When the door suddenly opened "Oh there she is"

"What is happening here?"

Sister's girlfriend (Book II) Jenlisa x LisreneWhere stories live. Discover now