Ch. 34

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Lisa and Taehyung went back to Seoul yesterday. They only tell their bestfriends about this, she doesn't want to let the girls know for now.

"So how was US? Is there a lot of hot chick there?" Seulgi jokingly asked

"Kang Seulgi I didn't went there to hunt chick okay? But yeah, there's a lot of pussy there you can eat those one by one" Lisa said rolling her eyes. Her bestfriend burst into laughters after hearing that from Lisa

"Yah! What did you do to our Lisa Tae tae?" Chaeng asked hitting Taehyung's arm

"Yah yah yah! I didn't do anything! Yah! Stop hitting me you chipmunk! YAH!" Chaeng hit her hard

"Who allowed you to call me that?!" She bitchy asked

"Seriously this is nowhere to go. You can leave if you're going to hit each other"

"When did you become sassy Lisa?" Bambam asked

"Whatever bam" She said rolling her eyes

"Yah! Stop rolling your eyes on me you're not a bottom Lisa!" Everyone's laughed.

"Shut the fuck up bammy!"

They continued teasing each other. It's been years since they last did this. They were so happy before these things happened. But they didn't regret it because, they grown up.

"So Lisa, are you planning to tell the girls?" Chaeng asked

"I don't know but I'll be meeting one of them later"

"Oh my God! Who? Joohyun or Jennie?"

"Starts with the letter J" Lisa sarcastically said

"Manoban I swear"

"It's either...Joy, Jeri, Jendy! Damn when did you become...YAH!" Chaeng smack her head. The others just laughed at them

"I swear to God"

"Fine! I'll tell you...but not today coz I'll be late...babye" She kissed Chaeng's cheek and grabbed her hoodie and leave them

"Oh my Jisoos! Chaeng, you're so red!" Bambam teased

"As if she have a chance" Seulgi said as Chaeng hit her using the pillow "Yah!"

"Serves you right moron!" Chaeng turned to Tae "She's meeting who?"

"You'll see" He winks.


Lisa entered in starbucks and the girl stood up and hugged her tightly

"I missed you, I missed you a lot. How can you leave me like that?"

'How can I say what I want to say if you're like this? I don't wanna hurt you, because you don't deserve it. But I'm really really sorry I have to do it. I'm sorry' Lisa said to herself

Sister's girlfriend (Book II) Jenlisa x LisreneWhere stories live. Discover now