Ch. 23

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"What is happening here?" Lisa asked looking at Irene then to Jennie and Chaeng.

"Aren't you going to say hi to your girlfriend and bestfriend?" Jennie smiled innocently. Lisa smile

"I already greeted her, but hi Chaeng" Irene smirks as she heard that from Lisa. She didn't expect Lisa to say that

Chaeng curse to herself

Jennie is hurt but didn't show it to them. Instead

"You haven't greet me, oh wait did you textes me?" Lisa frowns her brows

"What are you saying?" Lisa stood beside Irene

"You don't get it? I'm your girlfriend" She pointed herself

"What? Jennie I don't know what you are talking about" Lisa hold Irene hand and Jennie and Chaeng saw it

"Lisa, I'm your girlfriend" She repeated.

Chaeng facepalm herself in her thought

"Hyun is my girlfriend Jen"

"It's fine with me but at the same time I'm your girl. Wanna know why?" She asked and turn her gaze to Irene and smirks. Lisa didn't answer "Because we never broke up Lisa"

Lisa was taken a back as she heard that. Irene is losing her temper but she still want to stay calm.

"Here" She put the paper bag on Irene's table "That's your favorite food. We need to go now, bye MY LILI" She emphasize the last words and before leaving "She's your for now. Enjoy" She winks at Iren. She turned and stop. "Wait chaeng I forgot something" She turned around and kiss Lisa on the side of her lips. Lisa's eyes widened didn't know what to do

Chaeng and Irene are surprised too. Now Irene gritted her teeth

"Let's go Chaeng" She grabbed Chaeng's hand "Have a nice day" They left Lisa and Irene dumbfounded

"Okay that was unexpected" Chaeng said surprisingly

"Expect the unexpected"

Irene's office

"That bitch!" Irene is about to follow Jennie when she realized what Jennie just did infront of her but Lisa hugged her from the back

"Hyun no" She said closing her eyes "I'm sorry for what happened. I'm sorry I didn't react because I was surprised seeing her here and telling me that and kiss..." Irene cut her off

"Don't. Don't ever mention that kiss again" She let go of Lisa's hug and massage her temple

"I'm sorry, I really am" Lisa looked down feeling guilty of what happened. Irene bit her lip as she saw her girlfriend didn't like what Jennie did and she knows how guilty Lisa is. She lift her chin

"I forgive you but let me erase that kiss" she kissed Lisa hungrily. Lisa smiled between there kiss, she bit Irene's lip, and put her hands on Irene's hips.

Sister's girlfriend (Book II) Jenlisa x LisreneWhere stories live. Discover now