Ch. 10

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V invited his friends in their house. Including Jennie's circle of friends. They've been part of their friendship since Jisoo and Lisa happened and Seulgi and Irene. They are all there except for Jennie. V called for a house party, they usually drinking on their hide out. V just want to celebrate the news about Lisa but he won't tell to anyone, even to his boyfriend Kook.

"Is Jennie coming?" Joy asked

"Yes, she'll be here in a minute" Wendy says

"Oh speaking, there she is" Yeri pointed her. Their eyes are all on Jennie. Of course she's with Kai

"Did I asked her to bring her dog here?" Yeri whispered to Chaeng. She elbowed her

"Jeeeez! Stop calling him like that, he is nice" She whisper yelled

"Whatever, I don't like that doggie" Yeri rolled her eyes

"I can hear you from here" Joy said trying to hold her laughters "But I argee with Yeri, Chaeng" And she turned her attention to the two again whos now infront of them

"Hi guys, I think you don't mind that Kai is here?" She asked. Kai waved to them and smile

"There's nothing we can do now, he's already here duh" Yeri whispered again. Chaeng elbowed her again

"Stop" Then Chaeng smiled as she turned her attention to Jennie "No not at all. Hi Kai good to see you again" As Chaeng said that

"I think I'm going to vomit, excuse me" Yeri said as she excuse herself. Joy still trying to hold her laughters also their friends except for the three

"Is she okay?" Kai asked

"I don't think so. But I'll check up on her, excuse me guys" She run up to Yeri

"You're totally an ass" Joy said shaking her head

"Oh please I know you don't like that dog too" She said rolling her eyes

"I agree with you. I don't like him for Unnie. That guy is nice but I don't like him" She shakes her head

"I think unnie lost her taste" They both burst into laughters

In the pool area. V saw Jennie and Kai laughing together as Chaeng joined her

"Can you blame her?" She asked as she drink her beer

"2 years? She replaced my sister that fast?" Chaeng faced him

"Tae, she suffered for 7 years plus this one. This is too much for her and replacing the love of your life will never be easy. She's doing in for herself. I haven't seen her this happy again until the day before the wedding. She deserves this Tae and please let's just be happy for her" She says watching the two.

"Chaeng what if my sister is alive?" Chaeng facepalm herself

"It'll never going to happen" Chaeng shakes her head

"Just answer me, what if Lisa will come back someday? And she saw Jennie like this? What if she's alive?" V is trying to give her hint but all she did was shakes her head.

"Tae I really don't know because it will never going to happen" She repeats.

"But what if?"

"Well if she's alive? then why she didn't show up? Like if she doesn't want to see Jennie with someone else why did she have to hide all this time? She's killing us all specially Jennie and you" She said as if she really knew Lisa's situation.

"But what if she has a reason?" V asked again.

"Whatever her reason was, fuck her reasons. Wait, this conversation is over. You sounds so weird Tae. Lisa is resting peacefully. Please let her be. I know how hard that is for you, for us, I love that brat so much but we need to accept it" She says.

Sister's girlfriend (Book II) Jenlisa x LisreneWhere stories live. Discover now