Ch. 4

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It's sunday night where Jennie and Kai went out for another date. As usual Jennie is just pretending that she's enjoying Kai's company. She doesn't want to hurt Kai's feeling because Kai never leave her side when Lisa passed away.

She felt guilty whenever Kai is asking her out. She's guilty everytime she refuses Kai. But she felt more guiltier because she thinks she's cheating on Lisa. Even though Lisa is not around she's still thinking about Lisa. Jennie is not ready to be with anyone, but here comes Kai. Willing to do everything just to make her fall for him.


"Do you want to go back in Seoul?" The brunette asked

"As you've said I have a fiancé I left there" She paused "I want to know her and tell her everything when we get back there" She smiled.

The brunette fake smiled. She knows when they go back in seoul everything will change. It's not the same as she wanted it to be. She couldn't deny that she's already in love with her. She knows it's wrong to love someone, specially that someone is her bestfriend's fiance.

"But you said, we will go back there if your memories are coming back"

"Yeah but isn't the best thing to do? I mean what if when I see her I will remember something from the past?" She asks.

The brunette didn't respond and went inside her room the taller girl followed her.

"Hey wait, tell me if you don't want me to go back there..." She cut her off

"No just....just go" She sat next to the brunette and hold her hands and sigh.

"Tell me if you don't want me to go back there, I'll stay for you" She sincerely said. But the brunette felt guilty

"As much as I want you to be here with me I can't. You have a perfect life there and I don't want you to regret things" She said softly

"Don't be sad please?"

"How Lisa? We used to play around, I used to tell you story, we used to eat together, we used to go on a friendly date, we used to laugh together, everything. For more than a year, I'm used to it and you'll just...Ugh I don't know. I'm sorry" She whispered as she closed her eyes. Lisa pulled her head on her chest.

Sister's girlfriend (Book II) Jenlisa x LisreneWhere stories live. Discover now